Don't forget the Zoom Meeting!

Don't forget that Mrs Catterall is hoping to have a Zoom Meeting with the Ducklings on Thursday 14th May. Please see the Ducklings home learning page for details on how to join. Hope to see you there!

Category: Ducklings


Measuring up at home!

Image of Measuring up at home!

Ducklings have been busy measuring as part of their home learning. Erin has also been creative too and learnt about her 5 senses.


Category: Ducklings



Doves ZOOM call!

Hi Doves,

Don’t forget that we will be having our class zoom call tomorrow (Wednesday 13th)! 
Please go to our home learning page for all of the details.

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Miss C 

Category: Doves


Super skipping

Image of Super skipping

Our amazing Ducklings have developed their physical skills so much over the last few weeks. It was lovely to hear from our phone calls yesterday, how many of them can now ride a bike without stabilizers! Wow! You will all have to try roller boots next, so that you can be as good as me!!!


Category: Ducklings

ducklings Physical development homework


Week 8 Falcons Update

Harry has been very busy with:

Zoom karate lesson VE day in the garden- we also paid our respects with a 2 minute silence

Cake baking and decorating Horrendous scones!!! (I bet they were lovely really hehe)

I wanted to let you know how Ada’s home learning is going on so far:

We have…

Category: Falcons

falcons uks2


Little Chicks 12th May

Image of Little Chicks 12th May

Luca has sent me lots of fabulous pictures of what he has been doing at home.

He has been very creative, making a tiger, bee, dinosaur and pictures of rainbows and horses.


Luca has also been very busy baking, like so many of you. These pictures make me feel very hungry!!!



Category: Little Chicks


Cruz & Freya M's Home Learning

Hi Parrots,

Hope you had a lovely weekend.  Here are some photos of what Cruz and Freya M have been getting up during the past few weeks.

Stay safe.

Category: Parrots


Little Chicks V.E.Day celebrations

Image of Little Chicks V.E.Day celebrations

Charlie has been busy making his own bunting and cucumber sandwiches for his party.

It is lovely to see that you joined in with the V.E.Day celebrations.


Jude was the entertainment at his party and Faye had been busy making sandwiches. I love all the bunting!

Here is a pic of my…

Category: Little Chicks


Even More VE Day Celebrations from Falcons

We had a fantastic VE day. We had a street party with our neighbours. We put our bunting and baked a cake. At 3pm we had a toast and one of our neighbours (a war veteran aged 96) came in to the middle of the street. We all clapped for him. On VE day (75 years ago) he was travelling up the Rhine to…

Category: Falcons

World War Two History falcons uks2


Monday 11th May

Image of Monday 11th May

Hi everyone. 

3.30pm - Wow Little Chicks I have just been checking my emails after walking Ollie (the dog) and I've lots of fantastic pictures of you doing lots of fun and interesting activities.

Jude has made some yummy looking pizzas, a sword and shield to fight the dragon with, looking at…

Category: Little Chicks


Home learning update

Good Morning Herons


I hope you had a lovely bank holiday weekend celebrating VE day with your family. Did any of you have a street party? Let me know i would love to see pictures and hear all about what you have been up to. Blake did a fantastic assembly and sent me the video to…

Category: Herons


A very kind deed

Image of A very kind deed

Look what a very kind and caring Duckling and her sister have done for an elderly neighbour on her birthday. How very thoughtful of you both.

Category: Ducklings

ducklings kindness