Jude's Birthday and Home Learning

Image of Jude's Birthday and Home Learning

Jude celebrated his 4th birthday earlier this month. Happy Birthday Jude! It looks like you had a super time!


Jude has also been practicing writing his letters! Well done Jude!

Whilst out on a walk Jude and his brother saw some ducklings. Jack reminded Jude that he was going to be…

Category: Little Chicks


Fun at little Chicks

Image of Fun at little Chicks

We have read the story 'What the Ladybird Heard on Holiday'. In the story the ladybird goes to London and we have looked at pictures of famous buildings in London, we then used the wooden blocks to build our own representations of these landmarks.

       Can you guess the landmarks they have…

Category: Little Chicks


Hawks' WW2 art and D.T.

We have used a variety of media, techniques and tools to create London skyline images in the Blitz and made our own gas masks.

What did you enjoy during art? What strengths and weaknesses did you face when making your gas mask?

Category: Hawks

art hawks DT


Collecting leaves for tree decorations

Image of Collecting leaves for tree decorations

As part of our mission to become an eco school, we have been collecting leaves ready to thread and decorate our beautiful trees with. We found some wonderful and very interesting leaves and has some lovely discussions about Their differences. 

Category: Ducklings


Oliver's Fruit Salad

Image of Oliver's Fruit Salad

Today we have been doing some busy writing all about the story 'Oliver's Fruit Sakad'. The children have been writing shopping lists for their favourite fruits. 

Category: Ducklings


Lily's Fantastic Art

As part of our home learning this week, Lily has drawn a wonderful picture of an evacuee. Well done Lily, I love the detail you have included and the colours you have used.


Category: Falcons

art falcons uks2


Amazing Home Learning!!

Thank you to the parents who have sent over some of the AMAZING home learning that is continuing! Well done this week to Ella and Zach!

Category: Robins


Herons Home Learning Superstar

Image of Herons Home Learning Superstar

Good afternoon Herons

I hope you have enjoyed your weekend.

Thank you for sending me emails and pictures of what you have been up to and the work you have been doing at home. I love to see it all.

This week's home learning superstar is Emily for her crunchie ice cream poem. Well done…

Category: Herons


More Fantastic Falcons World War 2 Art

Olivia has worked extremely hard and produced a wonderful piece of World War 2 inspired art about the Blitz. Well done Olivia - the colours you have chosen look really effective. It is a wonderful piece and I am very proud of you.

Category: Falcons

art falcons uks2


Learning both at Home and School for our Ducklings

Image of Learning both at Home and School for our Ducklings

Our Ducklings are in school for two days each week and so are still continuing with their home learning too. It has been lovely to have the children back in school and see the amazing efforts continued at home too. Learning to tell the time and order time vocabulary, practising their phonics and…

Category: Ducklings

welcomeback ducklings homework


Eagles - 29th June - Wow Work!

Hello Eagles!

We were so happy to be able to welcome back our Year 6 children last week. Having you back in the classroom with us was a real pleasure and we were so proud of the way you took everything in your stride. We did a lot of work about our WWII topic and really enjoyed starting a new…

Category: Eagles


Owls Update 29.06.20

Dear all,

I hope you are all well.  I will be adding this week's Home Learning grid tomorrow as well as the English plans.  There will also be some more activities available on Education City.  The extra Maths will be added on Wednesday as usual.

This week there will be an opportunity for…

Category: Owls
