Well, I never!

Image of Well, I never!

After reading the story, 'Fatou, fetch the water!' the Ducklings decided to have a go at creating their own working well mechanisms! They tested them out to see if they worked.


Category: Ducklings



African Masks

Image of African Masks

The Ducklings have been busy colouring, drawing and cutting out their own African masks. Great for practising their fine motor skills.

Category: Ducklings

Creative learning


Making African Neckalces and Cuffs

Image of Making African Neckalces and Cuffs

The Ducklings have enjoyed creating their own traditional African necklaces and cuffs from junk materials. They loved making the bright and colourful patterns to decorate them.


Category: Ducklings

fine motor Creative learning


PE with Fleetwood Town

Image of PE with Fleetwood Town

The children are loving their PE lessons with Fleetwood Town. This week we have been playing team games and moving in different pathways. 

Category: Ducklings


Homework at the beach

Image of Homework at the beach

Look at this fabulous idea from one of our Ducklings! Doing their reading and phonics homework in the sunshine and fresh air at the beach. Well done J!

Category: Ducklings

reading phonics


World Book Day

Image of World Book Day

The children have been very excited to share their costumes, stories and excitement with one another for World Book Day in EYFS. 

We have drawn and written about our favourite places to read, designed front covers for our favourite books and shared our books and stories as part of topic…

Category: Ducklings

reading world book day


World Book Day in EYFS

Image of World Book Day in EYFS

The children have been very excited to share their costumes, stories and excitement with one another for World Book Day in EYFS. 

We have drawn and written about our favourite places to read, designed front covers for our favourite books and shared our books and stories as part of topic…

Category: Ducklings




Image of Weaving

We have been learning to weave with ribbons this week on wire racks and on the fences outside, in preparation for weaving a basket, just like the one that Handa carried her fruit in.



Category: Ducklings

Funky Fingers


Time Talk

Image of Time Talk

The Ducklings have been learning about time in lots of different simple ways this week - sequencing familiar daily activities, completing time challenges such as, how many times you can write your name in 1 minute and how many tiny objects can you pick up in 1 minute?


Category: Ducklings

measure maths time


Shrove Tuesday

Image of Shrove Tuesday

Today, we found out all about Shrove Tuesday, who celebrates it and how they celebrate it.

Outside in the sunshine, we had our own 'pancake' races and 'pancake' flipping competitions.  We have been drawing and writing all about our favourite pancake toppings. What did you have on your pancakes…

Category: Ducklings

Pancake day


Yellow Ducklings African Drumming

Image of Yellow Ducklings African Drumming

We loved our African drumming workshop today. We learned all about djembe drums. Ask the children to tell you the three different materials that thay are made from.  We found out that the first djembe drums were made over 900 years ago!

We were taught how to play the drums using different…

Category: Ducklings

music Multicultural Creative learning


Yellow Ducklings African Dance

Image of Yellow Ducklings African Dance

The Ducklings thoroughly enjoyed the African Dance workshop today. They listened so well to the instructions and soon picked up the dance moves to complete a whole routine which they performed to African music.

Watch the video here....

Look at the photo gallery here...

Category: Ducklings

dance Understanding the World