Children's Mental health Awareness Week
We have spent a little bit of time each day participating in different activities that help to create positive mental well-being. We have enjoyed listening to classical music, trying meditation and yoga, doing mindfulness colouring and moving to music. The children all said that they enjoyed doing…
Category: Ducklings
Finding the total
The Ducklings have been finding the total of two amounts in different ways.
First of all, they have been using their subitising skills to 'see' how many spots are on each dice without the need to count.
They have then been finding the total by using their knowledge of number bonds (pairs of…
Category: Ducklings
Mental Health Awareness Week
We have been super busy this week with thinking about our mental health and things that make us calm, happy and safe. Today we tried some mindfulness colouring whilst listening to relaxing music.
Category: Ducklings
Learning tricky words
We learn our tricky words in lots of different ways. One of the Ducklings favourite things to do is the Speed Trial Challenge. The children try to beat their own personal time to get as many tricky words correct as possible.
Category: Ducklings
Chinese new year in the home
The children have enjoyed finding out about how families celebrate Chinese new year in the home.
Category: Ducklings
Chinese dragon dancing
The Ducklings have enjoyed finding out about how Chinese new year is celebrated. They have loved watching video clips of the lion and dragon dances. Outside, they have reenacted their own dragon dances together, while some children played percussion instruments to dance along to.
Category: Ducklings
Chinese writing
The Ducklings have been trying out some Chinese writing as part of our Chinese new year celebrations.
Category: Ducklings
fine motor Creative learning Chinese new year
Spelling with digraphs
The Ducklings have been learning about digraphs, 2 letters that make 1 sound. They have been playing games to help them read and spell words with digraphs in.
Category: Ducklings
Reading for fun
It is lovely to see the Ducklings choosing to read for fun.
Category: Ducklings
Different kinds of jump
This week in PE, the Ducklings have been learning about different types of jump, the star jump, tuck jump and straight/pencil jump.
Category: Ducklings
Exploring making 6,7 and 8
This week the Ducklings have been exploring different ways to make the numbers 6, 7 and 8.
Category: Ducklings
Dragon Dancing
To celebrate Chinese New Year this week the children have been creating their own dragons dances outdoors, using our parachutes and masks.
Category: Ducklings