Making penguins

Image of Making penguins

The Ducklings have enjoyed selecting their own different materials and tools to help them to create penguins for our polar display. 

Category: Ducklings

fine motor DT Creative learning


Crawling in PE

Image of Crawling in PE

In PE the Ducklings have been practising crawling through and under apparatus with care and control.

Category: Ducklings



Making bird feeders

Image of Making bird feeders

The children were enjoying making bird feeders in the sun last week, ready to attract different birds to our garden so that they can spot and count them.

Category: Ducklings

outdoor learning big bird watch


Throwing in P.E

Image of Throwing in P.E

In P.E we are working on our under arm and over arm throwing. These are both skills the children will be practising and refining over the coming weeks. See if your child can teach you the correct technique! 

Category: Ducklings

Physical development


Reading for fun!

Image of Reading for fun!

It has been so lovely to see our Ducklings so enthusiastic and keen to share their favourite story books from home. The children have enjoyed sharing their stories as part of our guided reading and this week's writing task. 

Category: Ducklings



Underarm throw

Image of Underarm throw

The children have been learning to throw underarm in PE. Outside they have been putting these skills into practise by throwing snowballs into hoops. Remember to put the leg that is opposite to your throwing hand forward!

Category: Ducklings

Physical development Throwing


Retelling familiar stories

Image of Retelling familiar stories

The Ducklings have been working together in groups to retell the familiar story of Jack Frost. They have used their own words and language direct from the story. Ask them to tell you the story at home too!

Category: Ducklings

reading stories


Helping Jack Frost

Image of Helping Jack Frost

We have carried out a science investigation to help Jack Frost, just in case he loses his hands again! Last week when we found jack Frost's frozen hands, we brought them inside to look at but they melted. We wanted to know where the best place would be to put his hands if we ever found them again,…

Category: Ducklings

science Understanding the World


Constructing Snowflakes

Image of Constructing Snowflakes

The Ducklings have enjoyed using a range of tools and materials safely to construct snowflakes.

Category: Ducklings

DT Creative learning


Throwing underarm

Image of Throwing underarm

In PE we are learning to throw underarm with increasing accuracy, It is quite tricky to remember to put the opposite leg (to the throwing arm) forwards when getting ready to throw. 

Category: Ducklings

P.E. Throwing


Reading independently

Image of Reading independently

We are so proud of our Ducklings! They are using their phonics skills to help them read simple captions independently! Well done!

Category: Ducklings

reading phonics


The letters j, v and w

Image of The letters j, v and w

The Ducklings have been listening out for words that begin with the letters j, v and w. They have also been practising writing the lower case and capital letters using different media.


Category: Ducklings
