Making a clock

Image of Making a clock

After reading Hickory Dickory Dock the children went on to peg the numbers correctly on the clock faces.

Category: Ducklings

time Funky Fingers


Fun in the autumn leaves

Image of Fun in the autumn leaves

The Ducklings wanted to use their gross motor skills to sweep up the autumn leaves that had fallen. They couldn't resist running, jumping and throwing the leaves in the air.

Category: Ducklings



Remembrance Day

Image of Remembrance Day

On the 11th November at 11 am we joined the rest of the school outside for a 2 minute silence. Earlier on, we found out about why people do this and why we wear poppies at this time of year. The Ducklings were extremely sensible and respectful.

Category: Ducklings

Remembrance Day


Hickory, Dickory Dock

Image of Hickory, Dickory Dock

The Ducklings have been exploring how to programme our robot mouse to run up and down the clock!

Category: Ducklings



Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

Image of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star

The Ducklings have enjoyed strengthening their finger muscles for writing by making twinkling stars like in the nursery rhyme.

Category: Ducklings

Malleable Funky Fingers


Finding the rhyming pairs

Image of Finding the rhyming pairs

The Ducklings have been working with their friends to match the rhyming pairs, such as boat and coat and tie and pie.

Category: Ducklings

reading Rhyme Speaking and Listening


Number 4

Image of Number 4

This week in Maths we are learning all about the number 4. It may only be a little number, but the children explore and investigate each number in lots of depth. We have been thinking about more and less than 4, what objects make 4 and all the different ways we can make 4. We have also been…

Category: Ducklings



Remembrance Day

Image of Remembrance Day

Today we have been talking about and remembering The Great War and the service men, women and animals who died. The children have bought and drawn poppies and observed a whole school minutes silence as a mark of respect. 

Category: Ducklings


Fungi fun!

Image of Fungi fun!

This wet autumnal weather has been the perfect conditions for fungi to grow in. The Ducklings have enjoyed spotting them in the damp areas of our garden. They used magnifying glasses to observe them more closely. We talked about the importance of not touching them and to be careful when you see…

Category: Ducklings

Understanding the World


Rainy Day Fun!

Image of Rainy Day Fun!

The last week of the half-term saw some very wet weather. The Ducklings still love to learn outdoors no matter what the weather!
They were exploring mixing colours in the puddles, investigating bouncing balls and jumping in the puddles.

Category: Ducklings

outdoor learning


Spelling simple words

Image of Spelling simple words

The Ducklings are beginning to apply their phonics knowledge to help them spell simple words.

Category: Ducklings

phonics Spelling


Teachers of the Future!

Image of Teachers of the Future!

Some of the Ducklings love our daily routines so much that they have been taking on the role of the teacher during their own role play! I may be out of a job soon!!

Category: Ducklings

Speaking and Listening Role-play