We can spell simple words!

Image of We can spell simple words!

Even though the Ducklings have only learnt a few letters in phonics so far, they can already use this knowledge to help them spell simple words. Amazing!!

Category: Ducklings

phonics Spelling


Letter formation outside

Image of Letter formation outside

Even in this wet and windy weather it is lovely to see the Ducklings practising their letter formation.

Category: Ducklings

writing Physical development Handwriting


Whose tower is the tallest?

Image of Whose tower is the tallest?

Following on from our learning in maths, the Ducklings were keen to build towers and use comparative vocabulary to compare their height.

They used language such as tallest, shortest, taller than and shorter than.

Category: Ducklings

measure maths


Comparing and ordering length

Image of Comparing and ordering length

Today the Ducklings (those who were brave enough to venture outside in the wind and rain!) put their maths knowledge into practise by ordering objects found in the garden in order of their length.

Category: Ducklings

maths outdoor learning



Image of Capacity

The Ducklings have been learning all about capacity and how much a container can hold. They have been thinking about which containers hold the most or least.

Category: Ducklings

maths capacity


Funny Bones

Image of Funny Bones

Learning about the different bones in our bodies and their names has been fun. These Ducklings have worked together to make their skeleton and label it.


Category: Ducklings

Understanding the World


Making Faces

Image of Making Faces

We have been artists, using lots of different materials, of our own choosing, to create our faces! Do you like them?!

Category: Ducklings

Creative learning


Our bodies

Image of Our bodies

This week we are finding out more about the different parts of our bodies, what they are called and what we do with them.

The children will be reading and writing labels for the different body parts, comparing how they are the same or different to their friends and being creative by making…

Category: Ducklings


How have we changed?

Image of How have we changed?

We have loved looking at all of the baby photographs that the children have brought in. It was fun trying to guess who the baby photo belonged to. We have been talking about the different ways in which we have grown and changed. 

Category: Ducklings

Understanding the World


Big or Small

Image of Big or Small

This week the Ducklings have been sorting objects according to their size.

Category: Ducklings



Enjoying PE

Image of Enjoying PE

The Ducklings are getting changed a little quicker each week for PE now. They are loving these active lessons and are showing the ability to listen to and follow instructions carefully.
This week they have been jumping for distance and practising their hopping.
Keep practising getting dressed…

Category: Ducklings


What a baby needs

Image of What a baby needs

The Ducklings have been talking about growing and changing since being a baby and finding out what it is that a baby needs.

Category: Ducklings