Our First School Lunch

Image of Our First School Lunch

The Ducklings enjoyed their first school lunch. They were all very good at carrying their own trays and used lovely manners to say please and thank you.

Category: Ducklings


Keeping cool

Image of Keeping cool

The Ducklings have been having a little paddle to help keep themselves nice and cool in this warm weather.

Category: Ducklings


Ducklings' Sports Day

Image of Ducklings' Sports Day

On Friday we had glorious weather for our sports day. The children all thoroughly enjoyed taking part in their two chosen races and also had the chance to join in with some fun races at the end too. Well done to everyone who took part, at home and school and especially to our Gold, Silver and…

Category: Ducklings


Crossing the Road

Image of Crossing the Road

The Ducklings have completed Stage 1 of the Right Start Pedestrian training. They had to put all of the skills that they have been learning into practise to cross the road safely with a grown-up. They were all amazing and have listened well over the last few weeks.

Category: Ducklings

Road safety


Staying Sun Safe

Image of Staying Sun Safe

Today we have been discussing all of the ways we can stay safe in the sun. We have talked about sun creams, wearing hats, sunglasses and t shirts, and the importance of drinking water. 

Remeber Wrap, Splat, Hat! 


Category: Ducklings


Mindfulness Yoga

Image of Mindfulness Yoga

As part of healthy living week the Ducklings have been trying out some mindfulness yoga to help them exercise, relax, sleep better  and feel energised.

Category: Ducklings

Physical development


Sorting foods

Image of Sorting foods

The Ducklings have been finding out all about the different types of food that our bodies need and what good things they do for our bodies.

Can you name each of the different food groups.

Category: Ducklings

Healthy eating


Colour scientist

Image of Colour scientist

One of our Ducklings is enjoying continuing his learning about colour at home. A super scientist!

Category: Ducklings



Reading 'ie' words on fries!

Image of Reading 'ie' words on fries!

Today we have been learning to read and write the phoneme 'ie.'  Corey is reading some 'ie' words on fries.

Category: Ducklings


I will not ever never eat a tomato!

Image of I will not ever never eat a tomato!

We have been learning all about how to keep our bodies healthy by eating healthy foods. Mrs Catterall read us the story 'I will not ever never eat a tomato!'

Jimmy has written his idea to persuade someone to eat a banana.

Corey and his big sister Evie decided to retell their own version…

Category: Ducklings

Healthy eating


Making healthy food

Image of Making healthy food

As part of our healthy living week, the Ducklings have been helping to prepare healthy snacks and meals. Expert chefs in the making!

Category: Ducklings

healthyliving Healthy eating


Making Clocks

Image of Making Clocks

In mathematics the Ducklings have been making their own clocks and showing different o'clock and even half-past times.

Category: Ducklings

maths time activemaths Creative learning