Drawing our homes

Image of Drawing our homes

This week as part of our 'All about Me' topic we have been talking about our homes and where we live.  We have learnt some new words such as detached and semi-detached. We have found that our homes may be similar and different to those of our friends.  We have enjoyed painting pictures of our…

Category: Ducklings


2D shapes everywhere!

Image of 2D shapes everywhere!

In Maths this week we are thinking all about 2D shapes. We will be finding shapes, taking about corners and sides, matching 2D shapes to the faces of 3D shapes and making lots of houses and people using shapes. 

Category: Ducklings



Creating houses in different ways

Image of Creating houses in different ways

This week we are thinking about our homes, what they look like on the inside and outside and who lives in them. We are creating lots of different houses in different ways. Here, we are using lolly sticks to follow colour and position instructions to create a home. 

Category: Ducklings

Design and Technology


Our CG Passports

Image of Our CG Passports

This week we have been talking about our Carleton Code and what the different aspects mean:

  • Confident in own ability
  • Achieving full potential
  • Responsible and reliable
  • Life-long learner
  • Energetic and healthy
  • Trustworthy
  • Organised
  • Nurturing

We were all excited to get our own…

Category: Ducklings


Our first PE lesson

Image of Our first PE lesson

On Friday we changed into our pumps and went into the hall for our very first PE lesson. We learnt about the importance of listening to instructions and finding a suitable space to stand in. We listened to our teacher's instructions carefully for how to move and when to stop.

Category: Ducklings



Our Golden Rules

Image of Our Golden Rules

Today the Ducklings came into school and discovered a big mess left by somebody in our reading area. Danny Duck had a letter for them which made them think about how they should look after the classroom and all of our toys.

The Ducklings unanimously decided that they should all play a part in…

Category: Ducklings


What a big mess!

Image of What a big mess!

Today we came into school to find a big mess on the floor! It made us ask some questions...who had made the mess? What can we do about it? How can we remind others not to make a mess in our classroom? 

Danny Duck has written us a letter to ask us to help to keep our classroom tidy and to follow…

Category: Ducklings


Another lovely lunch!

Image of Another lovely lunch!

Enjoying another lovely lunch today of either sausage and bean casserole, pesto pasta or jacket potato and filling.



Category: Ducklings


Our First Days at School

Image of Our First Days at School

The Ducklings have impressed us all with how well they have settled and enjoyed their first few days at school. They have adjusted really well to the daily routines. They are learning to follow our rules and are sharing and playing nicely together. We are also impressed with how they are exploring…

Category: Ducklings


Ordering numbers

Image of Ordering numbers

This week the children are given the opportunity to independently explore and order numbers around the classroom. It has been lovely to watch how confident some of our Ducklimgs are with ordering. 

Category: Ducklings



Brown Ducklings settle into school life

Image of Brown Ducklings settle into school life

The children have started school life so well and are beginning to settle into routines brilliantly. What a super start to life at Carleton Grren! 

Category: Ducklings


Learning Outdoors

Image of Learning Outdoors

Our Ducklings have been getting used to accessing outdoor learning with new friends this week with lots of building, water and sand play and physical activities. 

Category: Ducklings

outdoor learning