Rocking and Rolling in PE

Image of Rocking and Rolling in PE

The Ducklings loved learning new ways to roll in PE last week and some of them were quite tricky to do and took a bit of practising! They learnt how to do a pencil roll, forward roll, table roll, barrel roll and a teddy bear roll. Well done!

Look at the gallery here...

Category: Ducklings

P.E. gymnastics


Visit to the Garden Centre

Image of Visit to the Garden Centre

We had a lovely morning out at the garden centre. We completed a fun quiz, made some wild flower bee bombs to bring home, scattered some seeds to make a meadow and explored all of the different kinds of plants that you can buy for your garden. The children's behaviour was outstanding! Well done. A…

Category: Ducklings


Programming the Beebot

Image of Programming the Beebot

The Ducklings have been learning to programme the Beebot robots in order to give them the correct instructions to direct them around the 'garden.'

Category: Ducklings

computing ICT programming


Our trip to the Garden Centre

Image of Our trip to the Garden Centre

The children and adults alike had the best time today at The Plant Place Garden Center. The children took part in a quiz,searching for clues, got to plant seeds and scatter then into the new meadow, and learn about different types of plants and flowers. The children were amazing walking to and…

Category: Ducklings

visit science outdoor learning



Image of Climbing

The Ducklings were very excited to have the large apparatus out in PE on which to explore climbing up, along, through and under the climbing frame.


Category: Ducklings



Construction fun!

Image of Construction fun!

The Ducklinngs have been selecting construction materials of their own choosing to make models of a flower.


Category: Ducklings

construction Creative learning


Spatial Awareness

Image of Spatial Awareness

The Ducklings have been making models using their spatial awareness to follow a plan.

Category: Ducklings



CCVC word hunt

Image of CCVC word hunt

It was 'Game on!' last week, when the Ducklings were set the challenge of finding all of the CCVC words hidden around the classroom.

Get them to explain to you what a CCVC word is and to give you an example!

stop   trap   frog

Category: Ducklings

reading phonics


The life cycle of a plant

Image of The life cycle of a plant

The Ducklings and Little Chicks have explored creating the life cycle of a plant by making play dough models of the different stages of grwoth. They lhave used new vocabulary such as root, shoot, sprout, stem, stalk, bud, leaf, flower and petal.

Category: Ducklings

Life cycles Growing plants and seeds


Composing Shapes

Image of Composing Shapes

The Ducklings have been exploring how to compose (make) a shape, using other shapes. It has allowed them to explore the fact that a shape can be made up of other shapes. They have explored selecting, rotating and manipulating shapes during these activities. Through this spatial reasoning, they…

Category: Ducklings



A visit from the Spring lambs

Image of A visit from the Spring lambs

This week we had a very welcome visit from two adorable lambs. The children got to pet the lambs, ask questions about them and learn all about what it is like for a lamb on a farm at Spring time. 

The children have been asked to think of names for them! I wonder what they will come up…

Category: Ducklings


PE and fundamental skills

Image of PE and fundamental skills

We continue to enjoy practising and refining our fundamental skills in PE each week. This week we had great fun climbing, balancing, jumping, crawling and rolling.

Look at the gallery...

Category: Ducklings
