
Image of Sewing

This week we have been looking at the initial letter in our name and having a go at creating that letter using the sewing cards and needles. What super outcomes some of our children have achieved! 

Category: Ducklings



Our first days in Ducklings

Image of Our first days in Ducklings

Our new Ducklings have settled in amazingly well on their first two days at 'big school'. We are so proud of how they have said goodbye to grown ups, listened to and carried out daily routines such as lunch time, organised their belongings and made new friends. They have loved exploring the…

Category: Ducklings


Our Carleton Code Awards

Image of Our Carleton Code Awards

A huge 'well done' to the children who were awarded a CARLETON code award today.

Category: Ducklings


Enjoying ice pops

Image of Enjoying ice pops

We all enjoyed a fruity ice pop in the heat of the afternoon, thanks to our PTFA. 

Category: Ducklings


Staying cool in the sun

Image of Staying cool in the sun

Today we have been finding ways to keep cool and stay safe in the sun. Our paddling pools have been a hit with the children! 

Category: Ducklings

Physical development


Right Start Safer Pedestrian Training

Image of Right Start Safer Pedestrian Training

We have been very busy this week with our road safety. First we have to talk about how to stay safe and then we go out to the roadside and practise what we have been learning about.  The aspects that we have covered are holding hands, safe places to play, Stop, Look and Listen.  We are now ready…

Category: Ducklings

Road safety


Deaf Aware

Image of Deaf Aware

It has been lovely to see the Ducklings playing 'teachers' and asking to use Amiee's radio aid to help her. They were all using their BSL knowledge too to sign during the play.

Category: Ducklings


Creating Patterns

Image of Creating Patterns

In maths this week we have been learning to create our own more complex patterns, including symmetrical patterns.

  We worked with our talking partners to create a symmetrical butterfly pattern.


Category: Ducklings

maths patterns


Outdoor PE

Image of Outdoor PE

The Ducklings have enjoyed having their PE lessons outside so far this term and the weather has been very kind to us.  They have been practising their throwing and catching skills, working cooperatively with a partner.

Category: Ducklings

P.E. Throwing


Aaaarrgghh, Spider!

Image of Aaaarrgghh, Spider!

Mrs Catterall isn't keen on spiders, but she was very brave when we found one in the classroom and she caught it for us, for a little while, to observe!  We counted that the spider has 8 legs and is therefore not an insect. We saw its large abdomen where it stores the eggs and we saw its two palps…

Category: Ducklings

Understanding the World


Odds and Evens

Image of Odds and Evens

The Ducklings have been exploring which numbers are odd and which are even. They have used practical objects to see if there is an odd one left when you share the number between two.

Once they had explored the pattern of odds and evens, some children were able to go further and apply this…

Category: Ducklings

maths number


Painted Lady Butterflies

Image of Painted Lady Butterflies

The Ducklings and Little Chicks were so excited to see the butterflies that had emerged from thier cocoons. They enjoyed spotting all of the different parts of the butterfly's body and loved watching its curly tongue (proboscis) drinking.

Category: Ducklings

Life cycles Understanding the World