Minibeast fun

Image of Minibeast fun

We've had so much fun learning all about minibeasts for our new topic. The children have been very excited and have been bringing in their own bug catching kits to go on hunts during break times. We have enjoyed writing our own minibeast stories about our superhero minibeast character and we made…

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:70 on 10 May 2019

Category: Robins


Yummy Soup!

Image of Yummy Soup!

Our vegetable soup, which we helped to make today, was delicious! Some of us enjoyed it so much that we had soup moustaches!

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:70 on 7 May 2019

Category: Ducklings

Healthy eating


Vegetable Soup

Image of Vegetable Soup

Following on from reading the story 'Oliver's Vegetables,' we have been helping to make healthy vegetable soup. 

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:70 on 7 May 2019

Category: Ducklings

Physical development Healthy eating


Our froggy find

Image of Our froggy find

Look what we found in our garden today when Mrs Richardson and the children were gardening....a tiny frog! 

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:70 on 3 May 2019

Category: Ducklings

outdoor learning garden Understanding the World


We love reading!

Image of We love reading!

It is fantastic to see our children showing such a love and enjoyment of reading. They love their new reading toadstool.

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:70 on 3 May 2019

Category: Ducklings



A Surprise Package!

Image of A Surprise Package!

Today we returned from a lovely trip to the garden centre to find that a surprise package had arrived for us!

We have got 5 caterpillars and can't wait to watch them grow and change! We will keep you updated ! 

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:70 on 2 May 2019

Category: Ducklings

Understanding the World


Our trip to the plant place

Image of Our trip to the plant place

Thanks to the Plant Place for letting us visit today! We had a fabulous morning. We started with a hunt around the garden centre to look for clues to a quiz. Then we each planted a sunflower seed and finally explored all the different types of plants. There were so many!! 

We ended our visit by…

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:70 on 2 May 2019

Category: Ducklings

visit outdoor learning garden Understanding the World


Exploring capacity

Image of Exploring capacity

Outside in the garden the Ducklings have been exploring filling different sized  containers and pots with compost and finding out which hold the most or the least. They have also been trying to estimate before actually  counting and measuring.

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:70 on 29 April 2019

Category: Ducklings

maths outdoor learning capacity activemaths


Half full or half empty?

Image of Half full or half empty?

The Ducklings have been exploring different capacity descriptions such as full, empty, half full, nearly empty and nearly full.

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:70 on 29 April 2019

Category: Ducklings

maths capacity activemaths


Reading CCVC and CVCC words

The Ducklings have been applying their phonic skills to read words with consonant clusters in.

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:70 on 29 April 2019

Category: Ducklings

reading phonics


Den building

Image of Den building

The Ducklings have been enjoying working together to build dens outside.

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:70 on 29 April 2019

Category: Ducklings

outdoor learning


Baby Rabbits

Image of Baby Rabbits

We very lucky to have a visit from Abigail and Jimmy's 8 week old baby rabbits. We were able to ask Mrs Nichol lots of questions about them and even got to have a hold and stroke them. They are adorable!

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:70 on 28 April 2019

Category: Ducklings

Understanding the World