Letter sorting

Image of Letter sorting

The Ducklings have been enjoying finding lots of different examples of the letters we have been learning, both lower case and capitals. Well done!

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:66 on 7 October 2019

Category: Ducklings

phonics letters


Today's letter is p!

Image of Today's letter is p!

Today we have been learning all about the letter p and its sound. The Ducklings have been listening to the first sounds of words to hear if they begin with a p or not. Great sorting!

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:66 on 7 October 2019

Category: Ducklings



Practising our letters

Image of Practising our letters

The Ducklings enjoy lots of different ways to practise forming their letters correctly, with flicks in and out of each letter.

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:66 on 6 October 2019

Category: Ducklings

Physical development Handwriting


Grandparents' Afternoon

Image of Grandparents' Afternoon

A huge thank you to all of the grandparents who came to spend the afternoon learning and playing with their grandchildren in Ducklings and Little Chicks. The children were so proud to show you around their new classrooms and we hope that you enjoyed yourselves too. They loved singing and signing…

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:66 on 4 October 2019

Category: Ducklings

Grandparents' Afternoon


Conker Counting!

Image of Conker Counting!

We have been counting conkers and matching the amounts to the correct numbers.

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:66 on 1 October 2019

Category: Ducklings

maths Counting


Careful counting!

Image of Careful counting!

The Ducklings have been working very hard at improving their counting skills, making sure not to count too quickly, moving the objects as you count them or rearranging them to help count and checking your counting twice.

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:66 on 1 October 2019

Category: Ducklings

maths Counting


Listening to the first sounds

Image of Listening to the first sounds

As we are learning different letters and sounds, the Ducklings are encouraged to listen to the letters that different words begin with and to sort them. What else do you know that begins with a?

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:66 on 1 October 2019

Category: Ducklings

reading phonics


Drawing our families

Image of Drawing our families

The Ducklings have been using black pens to draw their family members. They look very effective. Come and see the display when they are finished!

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:66 on 1 October 2019

Category: Ducklings

fine motor Understanding the World Creative learning


Using ICT

Image of Using ICT

We have been using the Clever Touch board to draw and label our families.

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:66 on 30 September 2019

Category: Ducklings

ICT Creative learning


A visit from the midwife

Image of A visit from the midwife

We were very lucky to have a visit from Tracey the midwife today. She brought lots of things with her to show us that she uses in her job each day. She told us all about the job of a midwife and how they care for the mums and the babies. Ask the children to tell you all about it and what they have…

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:66 on 26 September 2019

Category: Ducklings

Understanding the World


A visit from baby Albert

The Ducklings and Little Chicks enjoyed asking questions about baby Bertie and were very good listeners too.

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:66 on 24 September 2019

Category: Ducklings

Speaking and Listening Understanding the World


Rhyming Pairs

Image of Rhyming Pairs

We have been listening out for words that 'sound nearly the same'and rhyme, words such as wall and ball, goat and boat and so on.

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:66 on 24 September 2019

Category: Ducklings

Rhyme Speaking and Listening