Ice exploration

Image of Ice exploration

It was lovely to have a cold, crisp day to explore the ice in our garden.

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:63 on 21 November 2019

Category: Ducklings

outdoor learning weather Understanding the World Outdoo


Pattern Crazy!

Image of Pattern Crazy!

This week we have been enjoying creating our own repeating patterns everywhere!

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:63 on 21 November 2019

Category: Ducklings

maths patterns


Train Driver Visit

Image of Train Driver Visit

A big thank you to Beatrice's daddy who came to talk to us about how he helps people in his job as a train driver.

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:63 on 21 November 2019

Category: Ducklings

Speaking and Listening Understanding the World


Waste collectors and reycling

Image of Waste collectors and reycling

The children have explored how waste collectors help us. They have sorted the waste into plastic, paper and card and metal.

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:63 on 21 November 2019

Category: Ducklings

materials Understanding the World


Hospital Role Play

Image of Hospital Role Play

The Ducklings have enjoyed learning all about people who help us in a hospital. They have then taken this knowledge and acted it out in the role play hospital.

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:63 on 21 November 2019

Category: Ducklings

Speaking and Listening Understanding the World Creative learning Role-play


We are reading!

Image of We are reading!

The Ducklings are using their phonics now to read words and sentences independently.

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:63 on 21 November 2019

Category: Ducklings

reading phonics


A visit from a nurse

Image of A visit from a nurse

We were very lucky to have Erin's mummy visit us today to talk to us about her special job as a nurse. She told them all about the special equipment that she uses to do her job. She showed us how to bandage up a patient and the most useful thing we learnt was how to wash our hands thoroughly to…

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:63 on 21 November 2019

Category: Ducklings

visit visitor Understanding the World


Police visit

Image of Police visit

We were very lucky to have a visit from Police Sergeant McClaren and PCSO Gradwell to talk to the children about their very special job as police officers. The children listened beautifully and thought of some brilliant questions to ask. They were very excited to sit in the back of the police van…

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:63 on 18 November 2019

Category: Ducklings

Speaking and Listening visitor Understanding the World


Fire fighter visit

Image of Fire fighter visit

The Ducklings and Little Chicks loved having the fire fighters to visit yesterday. They were brilliant and the children learnt so much. They had the opportunity to see and have a go at some of the equipment! I think lots of them want to be fire fighters in future now.

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:63 on 14 November 2019

Category: Ducklings

Speaking and Listening visitor Understanding the World


Fire Fighter Role Play

Image of Fire Fighter Role Play

The Ducklings and Little Chicks have loved pretending to be strong and brave fire fighters this week, working as a team together to put out their fires!

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:63 on 12 November 2019

Category: Ducklings

Creative learning Role-play



Image of Throwing

The Ducklings have been practising their throwing skills.

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:63 on 12 November 2019

Category: Ducklings

Physical development Throwing



Image of Jumping

We have been learning all about fire fighters. Outside the children have been jumping up the fire fighters' ladder.

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:63 on 12 November 2019

Category: Ducklings

Physical development