Yellow Ducklings celebrate World Book Day

Image of Yellow Ducklings celebrate World Book Day

The children have loved sharing their favourite books with the older children and with their talking partners. We loved having hot chocolate to drink while we read our books. It was lovely!

Look at the gallery here...

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:59 on 5 March 2020

Category: Ducklings


Pancake Subtraction

Image of Pancake Subtraction

We have been creating our own subtraction problems with pancakes and writing the number sentences.

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:59 on 27 February 2020

Category: Ducklings


Pancake Races

Image of Pancake Races

The Ducklings have enjoyed having 'pancake' races this week!

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:59 on 27 February 2020

Category: Ducklings


Making pancakes

Image of Making pancakes

The Ducklings enjoyed making and eating pancakes this week to celebrate Shrove Tuesday.

They have learned all about Shrove Tuesday and why it is celebrated. We have had pancake races and read lots of lovel stories about pancakes. Some of us have even written our own Runaway Pancake stories. We…

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:59 on 25 February 2020

Category: Ducklings


VICTA day in aid of visual awareness

Image of VICTA day in aid of visual awareness

We had a fun day raising awareness of visual impairment. We wore special glasses that gave us an idea of what it might be like to be visually impaired. We did an obstacle course with our vision impaired, we listened to a story with no pictures and just audio. We tried to write our names, draw…

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:59 on 18 February 2020

Category: Ducklings

Understanding the World Charity VICTA


What's the time Mr Wolf?

Image of What's the time Mr Wolf?

We have had great fun learning about time in mathematics this week. We enjoyed playing What's the time Mr Wolf? 

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:59 on 13 February 2020

Category: Ducklings

time activemaths


Islam Day

Image of Islam Day

The children enjoyed listening to our visitor Rohana talk to us about her faith. The children asked lots of interesting questions and listened well.

Look at the gallery here...

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:59 on 12 February 2020

Category: Ducklings

Understanding the World R.E.


Melting chocolate

Image of Melting chocolate

The Ducklings explored what would happen to a chocolate button if they held it in their hands. We read a poem about melting chocolate while we waited to see what would happen. They certainly enjoyed eating the melted chocolate afterwards!

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:59 on 10 February 2020

Category: Ducklings

changes Understanding the World


Hand washing hygiene

Image of Hand washing hygiene

The ducklings have been learning all about how germs spread and how important it is to keep our hands nice and clean. We carried out an investigation with some pretend germs(paint and glitter!) to see how quickly and easily germs spread. The children touched a friend's hand on passed on the germs!…

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:59 on 10 February 2020

Category: Ducklings

healthyliving Physical development Understanding the World


Reading for fun!

Image of Reading for fun!

Our reading area has had some new bean bags donated and the children have loved coming and getting a reading buddy and 'cosying'down in there to read.

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:59 on 10 February 2020

Category: Ducklings

reading reading buddies


Yellow Ducklings celebrate Chinese New Year

Image of Yellow Ducklings celebrate Chinese New Year


We had great fun in our dance workshop learning a Chinese dragon dance, a fan dance and a parasol dance.

Look at the photo gallery and video here 

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:59 on 6 February 2020

Category: Ducklings

Physical development Understanding the World Creative learning Chinese new year


Reading Tricky Words

Image of Reading Tricky Words

Look at all of these tricky words that we can read! Well done Ducklings!

Posted by /blog/author/mcatterall/page:59 on 5 February 2020

Category: Ducklings

reading Tricky words