Dinosaur PE
Our PE has improved so much this half term. Our throwing and rolling has become so much more accurate. Some of us are even practising with our other hand to see if we can get it to the same level of accuracy.
Habe a look at a look here.
Category: Ducklings
Football Stars.
In the news this week it was announced that there is an initiative to try and increase the participation of girls in football. The Ducklings have made a great start by practising theirt dribbling and shooting skills outside.
The girls were really enthusiastic especially Tallulah who is…
Category: Ducklings
duckling eyfs pe active lifestyles
Science Week in Owls
This week we have loved science week.
We have been making lots of changes with materials.
We created dancing gloop changing a solid to a liquid or a liquid to a solid using the materials cornflower and water.
Mrs Claydon came in on Tuesday and we investigated which materials would be…
Category: Owls
owls year3 year4 science scienceweek2017 investigation experiment changes
Owls Outdoor Adventure Activities
In PE we are learning OAA. Our aims are to trust, commit and work as a team.
So far we have created letters and words with our bodies. Can you guess what we are spelling?
We have been blindfolded are guided by our friends. What was challenging?
We have created trails for other teams to…
Category: Owls
owls year3 year4 citizen friend pshe OAA
After School Multi Skills
Multi skills is great fun! In the pictures the children are developing their throwing skills.
Category: Parrots
Wyre and Fylde Dance Competition 2017
On Tuesday 14th March 2017, some children across school took part in the Wyre and Fylde Dance Compeition at The Marine Hall in Fleetwood. The theme was Modern and Musical Theatre. In November 24 primary schools took part in the festival and then 12 primary school were selected to compete. We…
Category: Sports
dance Matilda active lifestyles dancecompetition2017 wyreandfylde
*Little Chicks Science Investigations
This week we have again been learning about our topic of dinosaurs, looking at dinosaurs that swam. We have also been taking part in science week, and making our own experiments. In the classroom we have been noticing the change that happens to white flowers when we put them in coloured water, the…
Category: Little Chicks
Herons Outdoor PE
Herons are continuing their PE learning outside on a Thursday/
We had lots of fun learning and practsing our underarm throwing and rolling skills in the sunshibe.
DON'T forget your kit this week!
Category: Herons
Owl and the Pussy Cat
Herons are learning all about "The Owl and the Pussy Cat" on a Thursday as part of their poetry lessons.
The children are learning to recite the poem with expression and intonation. Everyone has been working in groups and pairs to practise reading it and putting actions to the poem.
It has…
Category: Herons
Science Air Show
Thirty children from Year 1 and Year 2 went to see a science air show at Blackpool Tower in the circus arena. They had lots of fun learning about the properties of air, as you will see in the photographs. Thank you to Isabella (in Eagles) and her mum for 'winning' us the opportunity of taking some…
Category: Parrots
*Doves' Science Week Investigations
This week Doves have had a fabulous time completing Science Investigations for Science Week. Firstly, we investigated how to make Boogie Gloop. The children predicted how to make the gloop dance and had lots of fun creating this wonderful mixture of cornflour and water. This mixture went through…
Category: Doves
Activities For Deaf Children & Young People
Category: Inclusion