Art and RE Day in Owls
On Tuesday 18th April as a whole school we had an Art and RE Day. Our focus was the Easter Story and the symbols of the Holy Spirit. To start we presentented our homework, 'What does Easter mean to me?' We then looked at the symbol we has been given by Mrs Lees and Mrs Wills. Our symbol was water.…
Category: Owls
owls year3 art year4 water display RE helping others symbols
Owls Roman Day
During our Roman Day on Friday 21st April, the children across all three classes took part in a carousel of activities in the morning. There was Roman Road Building with Mr Cooper, Roman Shield (or Scutum as it was known in Roman times) designing with Mrs Harding and Moasic Art with Miss…
Category: Owls
owls year3 art year4 KS2 PE OAA History geography mosaics
Year 3/4 Roman Day
During our Roman Day on Friday 21st April, the children across all three classes took part in a carousel of activities. There was Roman Road building with Mr Cooper, Mosaic making with Miss Howarth and Roman Shield (or Scutum as it was known in Roman times) designing with Mrs Harding. Here are…
Category: Doves
*Doves Outdoor Orienteering Activity
This week the Doves have thoroughly enjoyed their Outdoor Orienteering Activity where they created a path out of natural objects.
Category: Doves
*Doves' Class Measuring Lengths During Maths
This week in Maths, the children have been measuring objects in and around school. Once they accurately measured the objects, they then converted their measurements from metres to centimetres and from centimetres to metres. Check to see if your child can remember the calculation they need to do to…
Category: Doves
Creating a repeating pattern on the computer
The children chose their own colours and shapes to create their own repeating patterns.
Category: Ducklings
Ducklings visit the church
On Friday the Ducklings visited St Matrin and St Hilda's Church as part of our RE topic. We were very lucky to be able to explore all the different parts of the church and its special artefacts. They thought of some interesting questions to ask Reverend Carolyn.
The children's behaviour was…
Category: Ducklings
Body shape repeating patterns
We have been busy making all sorts of repeating patterns this week. With our friends we have been able to make patterns with our bodies!
Category: Ducklings
Owls love skipping
As part of our whole school initive Owls are really loving our daily skpping challenge. We are trying really hard to skip with a skipping rope for 2 minutes without stopping.This is in addiiton to break, lunch and PE. The Owls are keeping a tally to show how many times we have skipped each week.…
Category: Owls
owls year3 year4 KS2 PE daily skipping
Making Easter Egg Patterns
We have had fun using objects from the Physical Shed to create our own Easter Egg repeating patterns. We worked together with our friends, talking about what resources we would use and how we would create our patterns.
Category: Ducklings
This afternoon we have been learning about different types of materials. We found out that there are all sorts of materials that can be grouped together. Here are some photos of different materials we found around school and we have grouped them together. Can you think of any other materials…
Category: Robins
Parrots Relax With Yoga!
Today Parrots had their first yoga lesson in P.E. today with John from Fleetwood Town.
Category: Parrots