Odd one out!

Image of Odd one out!

The Ducklings have been super at using their knowledge of rhyme to spot the odd one out.

Category: Ducklings

reading Rhyme


Making 5

Image of Making 5

The Ducklings have been busy exploring different ways to compose the number 5.

Category: Ducklings



A web for Incy Wincy

Image of A web for Incy Wincy

After joining in with the nursery rhyme Incy Wincy, the Ducklings have been exploring making webs for Incy using creative materials of their choice.


Category: Ducklings

construction Creative learning


Blending to read

Image of Blending to read

The Ducklings are using their knowledge of the letters and sounds that they have been learning by blending them together to help them read words.

Category: Ducklings

reading phonics


London Bridge

Image of London Bridge

The Ducklings have enjoyed singing the nursery rhyme London Bridge and joining in with the actions during playtime.

Category: Ducklings

Rhyme playground games


Parrots Autumn 2 Week 2

This week we have enjoyed learning about Christianity for interfaith week and we have thought carefully about how to be kind for our Anti-Bullying week. We made a poster for Christianity and used the computers to conduct 'safe' searches; finding out information about the church and what is inside…

Category: Parrots



PE/Moving in different directions/Body temperature

Image of PE/Moving in different directions/Body temperature

Little Chicks have been learning about exercise, change in body temperature and what happens when we exercise.


Warm up exercises.



Traffic light game. Red= stop, Amber= get ready to go, Green= go and change direction to go a different way helping them to learn spatial…

Category: Little Chicks

human body Physical development follow instruction


Number 6

Image of Number 6

Little Chicks are learning number 6. We count out objects, find number six in the environment and use the interactive screen to count and find 6.


activemaths Counting


Letter B

Image of Letter B

Little Chicks are learning the letter B this week.


follow link for song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SlYTaM1oIwU

Little Chicks looked at objects that begin with B. Little Chicks were asked what begins with B?

They came up with many B…

Category: Little Chicks

Rhyme phonics language


One Elephant went out to play

Image of One Elephant went out to play

Little chicks have been learning Nursery rhymes, One Elephant went out to play.


Little Chicks learning the lyrics and counting to five.


One Elephant Went Out to Play' Song - Primary Treasure Chest

follow link to hear song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wQf6yWEScB8



Little Chicks have a role play of the spider and web…

Category: Little Chicks

Rhyme Role-play Counting Singing


Write a rhyme

Image of Write a rhyme

Here are some of the Ducklings using their phonics knowledge confidently to help them spell simple rhyming words such as cat, hat, bat and rat!

Category: Ducklings

writing Rhyme phonics


Cake bake

Image of Cake bake

This week we have been learning all about rhyme. The children enjoyed playing a cake baking game, whereby only words that rhyme can be the ingredients to bake the cake!

Category: Ducklings

Rhyme ICT