What we did in the holidays

Image of What we did in the holidays

Little Chicks have talked about their holidays, they were asked to talk in the group to their peers.

Then they drew a picture and wrote their name.



We have created a gallery of the children's work.


Category: Little Chicks

fine motor letters language


Letter 'a'

Image of Letter 'a'

We have been learning the letter 'a' today and we had a go at writing both a capital and lower case letter 'a'.


We have also been singing the Jolly Phonics letter 'a' song, which you can find on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97yx-eYdNzM

Can you find any objects at home which…

Category: Little Chicks


Humpty Dumpty

Image of Humpty Dumpty

We have been showing that we have an understanding of prepositions by placing Humpty in a given position such as 'in the box', 'behind the wall', 'on the wall', 'under the box', 'above the box', 'in front of the wall' and 'between'.


Ask an adult to place a teddy somewhere and see if you…

Category: Little Chicks


Fungi fun!

Image of Fungi fun!

This wet autumnal weather has been the perfect conditions for fungi to grow in. The Ducklings have enjoyed spotting them in the damp areas of our garden. They used magnifying glasses to observe them more closely. We talked about the importance of not touching them and to be careful when you see…

Category: Ducklings

Understanding the World


Rainy Day Fun!

Image of Rainy Day Fun!

The last week of the half-term saw some very wet weather. The Ducklings still love to learn outdoors no matter what the weather!
They were exploring mixing colours in the puddles, investigating bouncing balls and jumping in the puddles.

Category: Ducklings

outdoor learning


Spelling simple words

Image of Spelling simple words

The Ducklings are beginning to apply their phonics knowledge to help them spell simple words.

Category: Ducklings

phonics Spelling


Teachers of the Future!

Image of Teachers of the Future!

Some of the Ducklings love our daily routines so much that they have been taking on the role of the teacher during their own role play! I may be out of a job soon!!

Category: Ducklings

Speaking and Listening Role-play


Spiky friends

Image of Spiky friends

The Ducklings have been finding out about animals that get ready to hibernate in autumn. They have used their funky finger fine motor skills to create some prickly pear hedgehogs.


Category: Ducklings




Category: Outdoor Learning

outdoor learning


Parrots Week 8

We have had such a great last week in school; lots of practical work and lots of hard work writing up our diaries. The children have worked really hard to publish their final diary extract on the tea stained paper. I was impressed with their use of time connectives, -ed endings and lots of…

Category: Parrots


Learning about Harvest with Mrs Hicks

Image of Learning about Harvest with Mrs Hicks

Today the Ducklings got to venture into our amazing vegetable garden. We shared our knowledge of harvest with Mrs Hicks, who in turn told us all about how we harvest the vegetables in school, wash them, cook them and eat them as part of our school dinners! 

We were amazed with just how much…

Category: Ducklings

outdoor learning Speaking and Listening Understanding the World


Meditation superstars

Image of Meditation superstars

In Ducklings this week we have been talking about midfullness, meditation and yoga. We have been making time each day to relax and be calm after a busy day. 

Look at this amazing yoga pose! 

Category: Ducklings

healthyliving Physical development