Lambs Rosie and Robbie visit school

Image of Lambs Rosie and Robbie visit school

Mrs Richardson brought in two lambs from her families farm for the children to name and feed. The children chose the names Robbie and Rosie for the 3 week old lambs. The children enjoyed stroking and learning about the lambs and then helped Mrs Richardson to bottle feed them. 

Thank you Mrs…

Category: Little Chicks


Our froggy find

Image of Our froggy find

Look what we found in our garden today when Mrs Richardson and the children were gardening....a tiny frog! 

Category: Ducklings

outdoor learning garden Understanding the World


What a week in Kestrels!

This week in Kestrels we have had lots of fun! On Tuesday, we went on a coach to Chester. We visited the Roman museum and marched around Chester like Roman soldiers. Isabelle particularly liked Miss Barlow getting beheaded by a Roman Soldier! We all loved trying on the costumes and armour at the…

Category: Kestrels

kestrels trip outdoor learning Roman


We love reading!

Image of We love reading!

It is fantastic to see our children showing such a love and enjoyment of reading. They love their new reading toadstool.

Category: Ducklings



A Surprise Package!

Image of A Surprise Package!

Today we returned from a lovely trip to the garden centre to find that a surprise package had arrived for us!

We have got 5 caterpillars and can't wait to watch them grow and change! We will keep you updated ! 

Category: Ducklings

Understanding the World


Our trip to the plant place

Image of Our trip to the plant place

Thanks to the Plant Place for letting us visit today! We had a fabulous morning. We started with a hunt around the garden centre to look for clues to a quiz. Then we each planted a sunflower seed and finally explored all the different types of plants. There were so many!! 

We ended our visit by…

Category: Ducklings

visit outdoor learning garden Understanding the World


Habitat Hunting!

Image of Habitat Hunting!

Today we learnt about Minibeast Microhabitats. 

We learnt that a microhabitat is the place where different minibeasts choose to live to help them to survive. We matched up each minibeast to its habitat and had a lovely time in sunshine finding minibeast microhabitats in our School Garden!

Category: Herons


Spellings Year Two

Image of Spellings Year Two

The Year 2 spellings for the next three weeks are attached in the image above.

Please use your homework books to practise if you would like to.

Miss Birch.

Category: Herons



Image of Spellings

The Year One spellings for the next three weeks are included in the image above. 

Please use your homework book to practise them if you wish.

Miss Birch.

Category: Herons


Our Plant Place Trip

This morning we went on a walk to the Plant Place Garden Centre. Before we set off we talked about the importance of road safety and what we needed to do to be careful around the road and cars. Then with our adults we set off. The children were exceptionally well behaved and very sensible. As…

Category: Little Chicks


Owls Homework


Friday 26th Homework and Spellings attached. 

Spellings will be set for the term ahead. 

Category: Owls


Exploring capacity

Image of Exploring capacity

Outside in the garden the Ducklings have been exploring filling different sized  containers and pots with compost and finding out which hold the most or the least. They have also been trying to estimate before actually  counting and measuring.

Category: Ducklings

maths outdoor learning capacity activemaths