Hawks experiment with circuits

Does the length of the wire affect the brightness of the bulb?


What did you find out? Was your hypothesis correct? What was your conclusion?


Category: Hawks

hawks science KS2 year5 year6


An exciting week ahead...

We have a really exciting week ahead of us next week! 

On Monday we will all be dressing up as book characters for our reading day! I am excited to see everyone's costumes!

Next week is 'Healthy Living Week'. We have lots of exciting activities planned all about our healthy lifestyles.


Category: Herons


Releasing Our Butterflies

Image of Releasing Our Butterflies

Over the last few weeks we have watched our caterpillars grow and form cacoons. On our return to school on Monday we found 4 beautiful butterflies.

To see more photos click on the link:https://www.carletongreen.lancs.sch.uk/photo-galleries/releasing-our-butterflies

Category: Little Chicks


Hands on Animals

This morning we had a visit from Hands on Animals. They brought in minibeasts and other animals for the children to look at, such as a giant snail, snake, stick insect and even a tarantula! The children had the opportunity to touch and even hold each creature. We learnt about where they live, what…

Category: Little Chicks



By Archie Walsh.

This weekend, in Falcons, your homework is to write about the character you are dressing up as,to celebrate the opening of our new library  .You can dress up as what ever you want from a princess to a normal person like Tom Gates. 

Category: Falcons

reading books costume


Programming the Beebots

Image of Programming the Beebots

We have been applying the programming skills we have learned previously to move Beebots around a route to collect the flowers. It was lovely to observe the children supporting one another to apply these skills. 

Category: Ducklings


Hands on Animals

Image of Hands on Animals

Today we had a visit from the 'Hands on Animals' team. The children had the opportunity to handle many mini beasts, from a giant African land snail named Onion to a turantula named Fang. The children learned about habitats, food, likes and dislikes and lots of interesting facts about the…

Category: Ducklings


Next week

Please make sure that PE kits are in school next week.  We are all looking forward to learning about how to stay healthy and Sports Day on Thursday.


Category: Falcons

healthyliving sport falcons


Exploring Minibeasts

Our new topic of minibeast's has certainly captured the interest of a few children! This morning we went investigating the bugs that we could find in the garden. We found bees, woodlice, and a snail. We enjoyed letting the snail crawl on our hands, watching to see how it moved and learning about…

Category: Little Chicks


Summer Two Spellings

Image of Summer Two Spellings

The image above shows the Year Two spellings for the next three weeks. 

These will also be given out on Friday. Please practise them in any way you wish; you are welcome to use your homework books if you like to write them out.

Thank you,

Miss Birch.

Category: Herons


Summer Two Spellings

Image of Summer Two Spellings

The image above shows the Year One spellings for the next three weeks. 

These will also be given out on Friday. Please practise them in any way you wish; you are welcome to use your homework books if you like to write them out.

Thank you,

Miss Birch.

Category: Herons


Programming the Beebots

Image of Programming the Beebots

In Technology this week the children have been programming the Beebots to moved around a track, collecting flowers as they go. The children know how to solve a problem if the Boobot moves too far or too short a distance. 

Category: Ducklings