Making our names

Image of Making our names

We have been writing and making our names in lots of different ways.

Category: Ducklings


What a mess!

Image of What a mess!

The Ducklings were surprised to find a big mess when they arrived at school this morning. Danny Duck left them a letter asking them to all think of some rules to make our class a fair and happy place and to show anyone who visits our classroom, how to behave.

The children came up with our…

Category: Ducklings


First Week in Robins 2.9.19

What a fantastic first week in Robins! 

The children have settled in so well and I have really enjoyed my first week of teaching at Carleton Green! 

This week we have had an art focus and have done some different art pieces everyday! We have drawn self portraits by looking at ourselves in…

Category: Robins


Harvesting the potatoes

Image of Harvesting the potatoes

Today we decided it was time to harvest the potatoes we landed back in the Spring. We children loved comparing their sizes, colours and naturally made it into a competition to find the biggest one! The children agreed that once washed, the potatoes should be taken to our school kitchen to be used…

Category: Ducklings


Harvesting the carrots

Image of Harvesting the carrots

We had great fun digging up the carrots we planted back in the Spring. The children were amazing at the unusual shapes and sizes the carrots turned out to be, so we searched how and why this happened once back in class. We thought about what we need to do with the carrots next and thought it would…

Category: Ducklings


Look at all the things we have been doing!

Image of Look at all the things we have been doing!

If you are finding that your child is very tired, these pictures might show you the reason why! 

We are very impressed with the way the children are settling. They are active from the minute they arrive to the time they leave. The children have been counting out small amounts from a larger…

Category: Little Chicks


Our first week at school

Image of Our first week at school

The new Ducklings have settled in very well. They are making new friends, becoming more familiar with the classroom and getting used to their daily routine.

Look at the photo gallery here, which we will add to throughout the week.....

Category: Ducklings


Little Chicks first lunch

Image of Little Chicks first lunch

We have some super eaters in Little Chicks! They all tried their lunch and a lot of them ate it all up!

To see more photos please click on the link:

Category: Little Chicks


Our first day in Little Chicks

Image of Our first day in Little Chicks

The children have had a fantastic first day in Little Chicks. They have enjoyed snack, played with animals, explored the role-play area, listened to stories, painted pictures, counted bears, played outside, running,jumping, rolling, sliding and lots more!

I am very proud of all the children who…

Category: Little Chicks


Little Chicks Graduation 2019

Image of Little Chicks Graduation 2019

Little Chicks this year decided to retell one of their favourite stories, 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar'. All the children performed brilliantly! We could hear every word, they remembered where to go and weren't phased by the large audience! Well done Little Chicks we are all very proud of…

Category: Little Chicks


Puppet Show

Image of Puppet Show

After our bug parade the children enjoyed a puppet show. The puppetier did two stories, The Three Little Pigs and Little Red Riding Hood. The children really enjoyed the performances and the ice lollies at the end.

To see more photos click on the link:

Category: Little Chicks


Bugs at school

Image of Bugs at school

We had some fantastic mini-beasts come to school this morning! Butterflies, spiders and busy bees.

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Category: Little Chicks