Cutting and spreading

Image of Cutting and spreading

The Ducklings have been practising their cutting and spreading skills with a knife during snack time when preparing their yummy toast!

Category: Ducklings

Physical development healthy snack time


Our Reading Book Family

Image of Our Reading Book Family

We have been introduced to the Robinson family from our reading books, ready to read our first reading books very soon. We have been playing matching games matching the characters to their names.

Category: Ducklings



Exploring Materials

This term we have started learning about different materials. We have started making comparisons between different materials and their uses. 

Today we took our materials lesson outside and we built dens using different materials and we discussed which materials would be useful for different…

Category: Herons


Looking so smart in our new PE kits!

We had a great lesson in PE. All the Eagles looked so smart in their new kits; it was like training an Olympic team!

We created games using key skills that we have learnt and then we had to explain our game to others.

Which game did you like the best and why?

Category: Eagles


Learning about babies

This week we have been learning about babies. We have talked about the types of things that babies need, and how we might take care of them. 

The children have enjoyed looking at the baby pictures that have been sent in and trying to work out who is in each picture! 

Outside we have been…

Category: Little Chicks


A Week in Robins...

Image of A Week in Robins...

Another fantastic week in Robins!

We started the week with geography and created our own maps of the school and grounds with chalk on the playground. The children enjoyed being outside and being creative with map making. 

We have also continued to study our class novel 'The Lonely Beast'…

Category: Robins


Welcome to Owls

Welcome to Owls!! The children have all settled in and working so hard.  

Homework will be sent out tomorrow and PE will be on Wednesday.  

Thank you for your ongoing support,


Mr Vaughan

Category: Owls


Learning all about babies with Isabella

Image of Learning all about babies with Isabella

We have been so lucky to have a visit from baby Isabella and her Nana this week. It was lovely for the children to hear how vocal some babies can be and listen to Isabella trying to talk. 

Category: Ducklings


A visit from baby Georgia

Image of A visit from baby Georgia

We have been lucky to have a visit from baby Georgia and her Mummy this week. The children continued to ask their questions about babies and find out lots of interesting facts. 

Category: Ducklings


Bathing the babies

Image of Bathing the babies

The Ducklings have loved bathing the babies outside in the sunshine today. They will make lovely mums and dads when they grow up!

Category: Ducklings

Physical development


Dressing the babies

Image of Dressing the babies

The Ducklings have been using their funky fingers to dress the babies and do up all of the tricky poppers.

Category: Ducklings

fine motor Physical development


Finding out what a baby needs

Image of Finding out what a baby needs

The Ducklings have been finding out all about what a baby needs and sorting them accordingly.

Category: Ducklings

Understanding the World