Number 3
Little Chicks have been learning the number three this week. They have traced over number three on the screen and attempted to draw three apples.
The rhyme we sing as we trace.
Round the tree,
Round the tree,
Now I've made the number three
The children have used chalk boards to…
Category: Little Chicks
writing fine motor activemaths
Parrots Week 5
This week in Parrots we have been learning about numbers from 0-100; looking at the 100 square and trying to place numbers as well as counting on 10 more/10 less. We have worked on number bonds to 10 - once we knew 4 + 6 = 10 we knew that 40 + 60 = 100!! We had a game of snakes and ladders to get…
Category: Parrots
Eagles PE - 1st October
Take a look at our photos from PE this week. We have continued to practise our indoor athletics skills. This week we were working on our jumping. Which jump did you find the easiest? Which was the most challenging and why?
Category: Eagles
27th September- 1st October.
Another wonderful week in Herons.
In English the children have been learning how to write a recount of their weekend, using time connectives, personal pronouns and adjectives. We have explored the 5W's, which have helped them write their recount. It was wonderful to hear of all the linked…
Category: Herons
Being Helpful
We have had some super little helpers, helping to wash and dry the pots after this mornings snack.
Category: Little Chicks
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Little Chicks have been listening to the story Goldilocks and the three bears. They have been learning the number 3 they have had stories with characters of three.
Little Chicks made porridge for there snack as it was in the story.
Delicious porridge
Who ate all my porridge…
Category: Little Chicks
Matching and Sorting
In mathematics the Ducklings were matching and sorting objects according to a range of criteria such as colour, size and shape.
Category: Ducklings
The Ducklings have been listening to the first sounds of different objects and sorting them into different groups accordingly.
Category: Ducklings
Building homes
The Ducklings have been using different construction toys to create a home for their family.
Category: Ducklings
DT Physical development Creative learning
Ducklings love Reading!
This week the Ducklings have enjoyed their first guided reading sessions in small groups. This is a time when we share books together and learn to read. The children listened well and used the clues from the title and the front and back covers to help them think what the book might be about.
Category: Ducklings
Looking smart in our PE kits
The Ducklings were very good at getting changed for the first time into their full PE kits. They look very smart in their house team colours. They explored moving safely in different ways such as hopping and jumping.
Category: Ducklings
Growing up Toddler
Little Chicks are learning about growing up we looked at the next stage Toddler and made a spider diagram to show what development occurs when being a Toddler.
Little Chicks sequenced the stages of human life.
Baby, Toddler, Child, Teenager, Adult, Elderly.
Category: Little Chicks