Height Order
As part of our maths challenge, we had to sort ourselves into height order. We then used comparative vocabulary such as tallest, shortest, taller, shorter.
Photo gallery....
Category: Ducklings
Hot Seating
Some of the Ducklings sat in the 'hot seat' and pretended to be the Little Red Hen. The rest of the class asked them some interesting questions!
Category: Ducklings
traditional tales Speaking and Listening
Guided Reading
In guided reading we have enjoyed reading and retelling the story of the Little Red Hen.
Category: Ducklings
reading traditional tales Speaking and Listening
Sharing stories
The Ducklings throughly enjoyed reading The Little Red Hen story. They also brought in their own versions from home and enjoyed telling each other the different stories as well as talking about the similarities and differences between them.
Category: Ducklings
reading traditional tales Speaking and Listening
Outside the Ducklings practise their balancing skills in different ways.
Category: Ducklings
outdoor learning Physical development
Phoneme Hopscotch
We have been assessing which sounds that we have learnt that the children can recall. We made it into a fun outdoor game so they could practise their hopping and jumping skills at the same time too!
Category: Ducklings
Prickly Leaf Hedgehog
The Ducklings and Little chicks found a very good use for all of the fallen autumn leaves. Do you like our giant prickly leaf hedgehog?
Look at the photo gallery here...
Category: Ducklings
outdoor learning Autumn Creative learning
Ducklings PE
Last week we warmed up by playing scarecrow tig before practising our under arm throwing at a targets.
Category: Ducklings
Autumn Welly Walks
The children enjoyed going on walks around the school grounds to look for signs of Autumn. We found acorns, berries, fir cones, beautiful coloured leaves and even three squirrels collecting acorns.
Category: Ducklings
Communication in Maths
In our practical, whole class Maths sessions this week we have been working in teams to place ourselves in height order. Activities such as these are an excellent way to promote communication and language skills, team building and nurture leadership roles.
Category: Ducklings
Learning mathematical language
This week we have been learning and applying mathematical language to describe size and compare, such as bigger, smaller, longer, shorter, taller, wider and thinner. The children have been using these words to order Autumn objects according to size.
Category: Ducklings
Prickly Hedgehogs
We have been play dough and, using our strong funky fingers, pushing matchsticks in the play dough to make the prickles on the hedgehogs back.
Category: Ducklings