Our Zoo Trip

Last Thursday we went on a trip to Blackpool Zoo.  This was part of our topic on Penguins, Possums and Pigs.  We had a really good time and learnt lots about the different animals and their habitats.  We even got to meet a couple of animals up close!  Thanks to the parents that came along to…

Category: Robins

Robins 2015


Geometry in Maths

Year 6 worked creatively today to explore and manipulate 2D shapes. We explored how size and orientation could be changed and we investigated how the possibilities increased when irregular versions of a shape were included. Year 6 also investigated creating 2D shapes with certain numbers of acute…

Category: Hawks


Science in Hawk Class

Hawk class had fun during their filtering experiment. The children worked very well in their teams and all completed their experiments. I also marked some fantastic write ups over the weekend. Well done Hawks!



Category: Hawks


Sporting Events

This year, all of the pupils in Year 5 and 6 are looking forward to up and coming sporting events. These include; Football, High Five (Netball), Cricket, Tag Rugby and (not forgetting) the fabulous Carleton Green Sports Day.

The new house team captains; Ruben Perry (Demeter), Connal Roe…

Category: Hawks


Falcon's Assembly

This year we are looking forward to presenting our Falcon's Year 5 and 6 Class Assembly. As our topic is all about World War 2 and in English we are reading Carrie's War, we have decided to base our assembly on this topic and novel.

We are looking forward to dressing up in our costumes and…

Category: Falcons


Pincer Grip

Image of Pincer Grip

We have used all of our pieces of straws to make Funny Bones skeletons. We used our pincer grip to pick up and place our straws carefully on to our glue! This will help strengthen our fingers and thumbs for gripping our pencils correctly!

Category: Ducklings


Funny Bones Skeletons

Image of Funny Bones Skeletons

Look at our finished skeletons!

Category: Ducklings


Scissor skills

Image of Scissor skills

We have been learning how to grip our scissors correctly and use them with increasing skill to snip paper straws. 

Category: Ducklings


Our trip to Blackpool Zoo!

What a wonderful day...

On Thursday 8th October, all of us in Key Stage 1 visited Blackpool Zoo as part of our Topic work. We have been doing lots of fantastic learning about different animals, their habitats and their body structures. So we were extremely excited to visit the zoo and learn…

Category: Herons

year1 year2 zoo trip visit animals


How tall are you?

Image of How tall are you?

We have been using our mathematical skills to estimate, measure, then count building bricks to find out how tall we are. Some of us were able to say if our friend was taller or shorter than us and to say what 1 more brick taller would be! How clever!

Category: Ducklings


Story Sharing

Over the past three weeks we have been learning about the author Anthony Browne and looking at the themes in his stories.  We finally finished our own stories based on the idea of the story of the Night Shimmy.  We had to be authors and illustrators!  When we had finished our books we went and…

Category: Robins

Year 2 Robins 2015


Listening to first sounds

Image of Listening to first sounds

The Ducklings have been sorting objects according to their initial sound! What can you spot that begins with s, t, p or a?

Category: Ducklings