Fantastic World War 2 Trip - Mrs Crooks' Group.

We all had a great day at the Lancashire Museum in Preston. We all thoroughly enjoyed the trip. Can you spot yourself on the pictures Group 4?


Category: Falcons


Parrots Sorting Odd and Even Numbers

The children sorted odd and even numbers by looking at the digit in the ones column.


Category: Parrots


Handwriting with the iPads

Image of Handwriting with the iPads

We have been practising our letter formation with the iPads.

Category: Ducklings


Measuring Length

Today we have been measuring length. We worked with a partner and measured how long we were using string and then a metre stick.  Below are some photos of us working and comments about what we did...

Category: Robins

measure maths Robins 2015 year2


Anti-Bullying Week - Falcons explored the consequences of bullying!!

Image of Anti-Bullying Week - Falcons explored the consequences of bullying!!

Today in Falcons, we created a fictional character called Jo and discussed the consequences of bullying through this character. The children all got in to role and explored the issues and dilemmas that this character might face. We also discussed certain (not so nice) behaviours that some people…

Category: Falcons


Our Learning...

We have been extremely busy in Herons.
Over the last two weeks we have been learning all about non-fiction books!
The Herons were reading detectives to identify what special features information books include and they have also been learning to write facts, in order to teach the…

Category: Herons

year1 year2 nonfiction seasons writing


Making Shape Rockets

Image of Making Shape Rockets

The children have enjoyed making rockets with the 2D shapes. They are getting really good at naming the shapes too, including the tricky ones like pentagon and octagon!

Category: Ducklings


Green Ducklings Firework Dance

Image of Green Ducklings Firework Dance

Follow the link here to watch our dance.


Category: Ducklings


Yellow Ducklings Firework Dances

Image of Yellow Ducklings Firework Dances

Follow the link here to watch our firework dance!

Category: Ducklings


Shape Hunts

Image of Shape Hunts

In the Ducklings we have enjoyed going on a hunt for 2D shapes! We were so good at spotting them we found lots including squares, oblongs, triangles, circles, ovals, hexagons and pentagons! Shapes are everywhere! Keep your eyes on the look out!

Category: Ducklings


Parrots looked fabulous dressed up for Children in Need!

We were doctors, nurses, a hospital porter, a vet, princesses, soldiers, Bear Grylls, police officers, Darth Vader, Bob Geldof, and a plumber.

Category: Parrots


Environment Club - Feeding the birds and animals this winter time.

Image of Environment Club - Feeding the birds and animals this winter time.

This week, the Environment Club have been looking after our birds and other wildlife at Carleton Green by making bird and animal feeds to ensure they have enough food this winter time. All of the children who attended the club thoroughly enjoyed making the bird and animal feeds, before carefully…

Category: Falcons