Elephant watch me grow

Image of Elephant watch me grow

Little Chicks have been looking at non-fiction books, learning that they are books with facts and information. As we are learning about the Savannah and the animals today we looked at the DK book Elephants.



In the hall Little Chicks danced to Elephants have wrinkles, Nellie the…

Category: Little Chicks

nonfiction reading dance rhythm


Water, Water Everywhere

Our new topic is Water, Water Everywhere!


For our topic homeowrk we had to create a 3d poster which linked to water. We could choose anything!


In class we have now started finding out about rivers, the water cycle, solids, liquids and gases AND the River Nile.


What have you…

Category: Owls

owls year3 topic year4 Design and Technology nonfiction water


Our Learning...

We have been extremely busy in Herons.
Over the last two weeks we have been learning all about non-fiction books!
The Herons were reading detectives to identify what special features information books include and they have also been learning to write facts, in order to teach the…

Category: Herons

year1 year2 nonfiction seasons writing