Little Chicks
One Elephant went out to play
Little chicks have been learning Nursery rhymes, One Elephant went out to play.
Little Chicks learning the lyrics and counting to five.
follow link to hear song
Little Chicks have a role play of the spider and web…
Category: Little Chicks
Rhyme Role-play Counting Singing
Remembrance Day
Little Chicks commemorated Remembrance Day. They learnt about the soldiers, service men, service women and animals who died in the line of duty since the end of the First World war.
They learned why we wear Poppies and stood in silence at 11am to show respect.
Little Chicks learnt the…
Category: Little Chicks
Nursery Rhyme Shop
Little chicks have a new role play Nursery Rhyme Shop. As part of our learning Little Chicks are learning Nursery Rhymes.
Little Chicks engage in role play being the shopkeeper or the customer. Counting out money, making order forms and delivering goods.
Little Chicks…
Category: Little Chicks
Rhyme activemaths Singing social
What we did in the holidays
Little Chicks have talked about their holidays, they were asked to talk in the group to their peers.
Then they drew a picture and wrote their name.
We have created a gallery of the children's work.
Category: Little Chicks
Letter 'a'
We have been learning the letter 'a' today and we had a go at writing both a capital and lower case letter 'a'.
We have also been singing the Jolly Phonics letter 'a' song, which you can find on youtube.
Can you find any objects at home which…
Category: Little Chicks
Humpty Dumpty
We have been showing that we have an understanding of prepositions by placing Humpty in a given position such as 'in the box', 'behind the wall', 'on the wall', 'under the box', 'above the box', 'in front of the wall' and 'between'.
Ask an adult to place a teddy somewhere and see if you…
Category: Little Chicks
The children have been choosing an object from the blue sheet and matching them with an object which rhymes from the orange sheet. Dish and fish, goat & boat, wall & ball, star & car, carrot & parrot, box & fox, pear & bear, hen & pen, dog & frog and bat & cat.
Can you find any…
Category: Little Chicks
Little Chicks helped to carve out the Pumpkin.
Little Chicks learn the Pumpkin song.
follow link for song
Category: Little Chicks
Number 5
Little Chicks have been learning number 5.
Finding five flowers Finding the pen with five Llamas
Little Chicks worked out to share five leaves how many does a Little Chick have when shared, one each.
Category: Little Chicks
maths writing Rhyme Active learning
Climbing and Jumping
This morning we have been in the hall to do some climbing, jumping and moving in different ways. First we did some exercises to warm up our bodies, we made circles with our arms, raised up onto tip toe whilst raising our arms and alternate toe taps. We then moved around a course, climbing up a…
Category: Little Chicks
Autumn Activities
Today we have used our hands and fingers to print an autumn tree.
Outside the children cut up a variety of vegetables and discovered seeds in the squashes!
They also created hedgehogs using half a pear and some matchsticks.
Category: Little Chicks
Number counting Conkers
Little Chicks have been counting and identifying numbers, they were each given a leaf with a number on it they had to count out the conkers to the corresponding number.
Have a go at counting different objects and identifying numbers.
Category: Little Chicks