Baby Clinic

Image of Baby Clinic

The children suggested that they would like to work in a baby clinic, looking after babies and somewhere they could go to have a baby! The children worked hard to help to set up our lovely, child-initiated clinic. It has been wonderful to observe how seriously the children take on the roles at…

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:24 on 3 October 2019

Category: Ducklings


Writing letters and sounds

Image of Writing letters and sounds

This week we have introduced our first letters and sounds in the Duckings. The children have been busy saying the sounds, finding them in words and having a go at writing too! 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:24 on 3 October 2019

Category: Ducklings


Matching numbers to quantities

Image of Matching numbers to quantities

In Maths this week the children are thinking about quantities of different numbers. The children are practising the skill of counting using one to one correspondence. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:24 on 25 September 2019

Category: Ducklings


P.E in Ducklings

Image of P.E in Ducklings

This week the children got fully dressed for P.E. We were very impressed with how some children managed to get dressed and undressed independently. When the weather is fine, P.E will take place outside. Today we were balancing and travelling in different ways. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:24 on 25 September 2019

Category: Ducklings


Learning all about babies with Isabella

Image of Learning all about babies with Isabella

We have been so lucky to have a visit from baby Isabella and her Nana this week. It was lovely for the children to hear how vocal some babies can be and listen to Isabella trying to talk. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:24 on 19 September 2019

Category: Ducklings


A visit from baby Georgia

Image of A visit from baby Georgia

We have been lucky to have a visit from baby Georgia and her Mummy this week. The children continued to ask their questions about babies and find out lots of interesting facts. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:24 on 18 September 2019

Category: Ducklings


Counting and ordering numbers

Image of Counting and ordering numbers

In Maths this week the children are given opportunities to count and order numbers up to 20, and beyond. These opportunities allow us to see which numbers the children are more confident with and where they may need support. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:24 on 16 September 2019

Category: Ducklings


Deconstructed Role Play

Image of Deconstructed Role Play

Deconstructed role play allows the children to be in total control of their learning, take ownership of their ideas through open ended resources. This week we have placed empty cardboard boxes into the role play area. It is wonderful to observe their ideas. Today we have had box trolls, a train,…

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:24 on 16 September 2019

Category: Ducklings


Constructing in different ways

Image of Constructing in different ways

There are many ways in which a child can build. This week the children are constructing using straws, glue and paper to make their homes, a cot for a baby, a high chair or whatever their imagination leads them. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:24 on 16 September 2019

Category: Ducklings


Harvesting the potatoes

Image of Harvesting the potatoes

Today we decided it was time to harvest the potatoes we landed back in the Spring. We children loved comparing their sizes, colours and naturally made it into a competition to find the biggest one! The children agreed that once washed, the potatoes should be taken to our school kitchen to be used…

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:24 on 5 September 2019

Category: Ducklings


Harvesting the carrots

Image of Harvesting the carrots

We had great fun digging up the carrots we planted back in the Spring. The children were amazing at the unusual shapes and sizes the carrots turned out to be, so we searched how and why this happened once back in class. We thought about what we need to do with the carrots next and thought it would…

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:24 on 5 September 2019

Category: Ducklings


Partitioning tens and units

Image of Partitioning tens and units

In Maths this week we are looking at the value of tens and ones in teen numbers and beyond. The children are working independently and as a whole class to partition given numbers. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:24 on 25 June 2019