Chinese New Year

Image of Chinese New Year

This week is the start of the Chinese New Year. The children have been learning the story behind this celebration, and have been immersed in some of the traditions. The children have also been creating dances outside, moving as Chinese dragons and making music. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:27 on 5 February 2019

Category: Ducklings


Testing magnetic materials

Image of Testing magnetic materials

This week we are thinking about materials and whether they are magnetic or not. The children have even testing their ideas independently as part of our 'Rainbow Challenge'. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:27 on 29 January 2019

Category: Ducklings


Testing magnetic materials

Image of Testing magnetic materials

This week we are thinking about materials and whether they are magnetic or not. The children have even testing their ideas independently as part of our 'Rainbow Challenge'. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:27 on 29 January 2019

Category: Ducklings


Number writing everywhere

Image of Number writing everywhere

We are always encouraging the children to practice their letters, sounds and numbers wherever they are and no matter the weather. Opportunities like this are perfect for moving on next steps learning. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:27 on 29 January 2019

Category: Ducklings


Exploring the frost and ice

Image of Exploring the frost and ice

We took advantage of the amazing cold weather this week, got wrapped up warm and went outside for a spot of 'in the moment' learning. The children talked about freezing and melting, looked for patterns in the frost and ice and even managed a few frost Angels! All topped off with a yummy drink of…

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:27 on 24 January 2019

Category: Ducklings



Image of Birdwatching

We have started our birdwatching week in Ducklings. The children have looked at common birds they're likely to see, have been exploring with binoculars and recording birds spotted in our garden and hedgerow. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:27 on 24 January 2019

Category: Ducklings


Learning all about Dragons

Image of Learning all about Dragons

We are learning all about Dragons in the Ducklings this week. Whether it be building junk dragons outside, writing about and labelling dragons, paying for toy dragons in maths or reading about dragons through topic, our children are fully immersed in our dragon theme. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:27 on 21 January 2019

Category: Ducklings


Adding in Maths

Image of Adding in Maths

In Maths this week we have been continuing with addition. Most children are now confident in writing a number sentence and have been practicing counting on to find their answer. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:27 on 18 January 2019

Category: Ducklings


Keeping Healthy with the school Nurse

Image of Keeping Healthy with the school Nurse

This morning we had a visit from our school nurse. We learned about all the ways to keep our bodies fit and healthy, from sleep, brushing our teeth to moving and exercise. The children made some fantastic contributions to discussion. 

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:27 on 14 January 2019

Category: Ducklings


Adding everywhere!

Image of Adding everywhere!

We are learning how to add this week in Ducklings. They children have been immersed in opportunities to add practically, using the clever touch board and outside. We have been practicing the skill of 'counting on' from a number, a skill which some of the children are already using…

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:27 on 9 January 2019

Category: Ducklings


Being Creative at home

Image of Being Creative at home

A big thank you to Zach and his family for contributing to our topic by making some amazing knight's helmets for our role play area. The children are loving being imaginative with them!  

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:27 on 9 January 2019

Category: Ducklings


Wrapping Frenzy!

Image of Wrapping Frenzy!

This week the children have been wrapping Christmas 'presents' (boxes, tubes and old containers) in an open ended activity. They have absolutely loved working together to cut sellotape, paper, and place their presents under our tree. I'm sure you'll agree, the result is…

Posted by /blog/author/slees/page:27 on 14 December 2018

Category: Ducklings