Blog by Tag: maths
Repeating patterns
The Ducklings enjoyed making some repeating patterns using colour and shapes outside this morning.
Category: Ducklings
maths outdoor learning patterns
Rangoli Patterns
As part of our Diwali celebrations we have made some beautiful Rangoli patterns with Miss Wilson outside. We used the giant glittery shapes and we worked together as a team. In maths we have been learning all about 2D shapes, so we were able to name most of the shapes and describe some of their…
Category: Ducklings
maths outdoor learning Shapes Creative learning Diwali
Taller and shorter
Our maths challenge was to make a tower and compare it with our talking partner to see who had the tallest and who had the shortest.
photo gallery...
Category: Ducklings
Parrots' Maths Investigation
The children in Parrots have been learning about the place value of numbers as well as their number bonds to 10 and 100. Today the children took part in a Maths investigation where they created their own numbers and then found 1 more, 1 less as well as 10 more and 10 less. They all worked hard…
Category: Parrots
Size Order
The Ducklings have been sorting the vegetables in order of their size and then using comparative vocabulary to describe them.
Category: Ducklings
Measuring maths
We are looking at ordering objects according to their size this week and finding different ways to compare and measure size.
Today we measured the length of a friend using our hands, feet and other classroom objects.
Category: Ducklings
Numicon Maths
With our talking partners we compared our Numicon number and found out who had the number that was more and who had the number that was less.
Category: Ducklings
Finding 1 more and 1 less
This week in maths we have been saying the number that is 1 more or 1 less than a given number. We were able to check our ideas by using real objects to either add 1 more or make 1 less by taking one away.
Category: Ducklings
More or Less
In mathematics, with our talking partners, we have compared two amounts and decided which group has more and which group has less or fewer.
Category: Ducklings
Ordering Numbers
Today in maths we have been ordering the numbers to 20 and then finding out the number that is 1 more or 1 less than a particular number.
Category: Ducklings
More and Fewer
The Ducklings have been counting carefully in mathematics and comparing two amounts, deciding which group has more and which has less or fewer.
Category: Ducklings
Eye colour
We have found out how many children have each eye colour in our class. We made a 'living' graph and then counted up the total for each eye colour. We used vocabulary such as more, less, fewest, greatest.
Category: Ducklings