Blog by Tag: maths
Careful counting!
The Ducklings have been working very hard at improving their counting skills, making sure not to count too quickly, moving the objects as you count them or rearranging them to help count and checking your counting twice.
Category: Ducklings
Falcons' Active Maths
This week in Maths the children in Falcons were learning to read and write numbers to 10 000 000. They all did super well and combined this skills with being active too.
Category: Falcons
Home Corner Role Play
The children have been learning all about which month their birthdays are in. In the home corner they have loved pretending to have their own birthday parties, using lots of speaking and listening skills.
Category: Ducklings
maths Speaking and Listening Role-play
Exploring capacity
Outside in the garden the Ducklings have been exploring filling different sized containers and pots with compost and finding out which hold the most or the least. They have also been trying to estimate before actually counting and measuring.
Category: Ducklings
maths outdoor learning capacity activemaths
Half full or half empty?
The Ducklings have been exploring different capacity descriptions such as full, empty, half full, nearly empty and nearly full.
Category: Ducklings
The Ducklings have been enjoying continuing with their pattern making.
Category: Ducklings
People Patterns
The Ducklings have been going mad for patterns this week, even outside with their friends they have been able to create repeating patterns.
Category: Ducklings
maths outdoor learning patterns
Pattern Mad!
The Ducklings have been pattern mad this week in mathematics.
Category: Ducklings
Super sharing!
The Ducklings have been learning how to share out a number of objects fairly.
Category: Ducklings
Ding, ding! Hop on board!
The Ducklings have been pretending to be passengers on a bus. They have been solving different maths word problems, paying for their tickets and solving halving and doubling problems with passenger numbers.
maths outdoor learning problem solving
Measuring length
We have been using different objects to measure the length of our friends.
Category: Ducklings
Ordering by length
Today the Ducklings have been sorting and ordering different objects according to their length.
Category: Ducklings