Blog by Tag: activemaths
Secret Agent 2D shape hunt mission
The Ducklings all turned into secret agents and were set the mission of finding as many different 2D shapes as possible. They found circles, squares, ovals, rectangles, triangles,hexagons and octagons.
Category: Ducklings
outdoor learning Shapes activemaths
Height Order
As part of our maths challenge, we had to sort ourselves into height order. We then used comparative vocabulary such as tallest, shortest, taller, shorter.
Photo gallery....
Category: Ducklings
Ordering Numbers
Today in maths we have been ordering the numbers to 20 and then finding out the number that is 1 more or 1 less than a particular number.
Category: Ducklings
Capacity fun!
One of the Ducklings has been busy exploring the capacities of different sized containers in her paddling pool. What a brilliant idea! More super home learning from the Ducklings!
Category: Ducklings
maths capacity Physical development activemaths
What's the time Mr Wolf?
We have had great fun learning about time in mathematics this week. We enjoyed playing What's the time Mr Wolf?
Category: Ducklings
Discovering distance
The Ducklings have been finding out all about what distance is. Outside they have been talking about the distance between some different polar animals. They had to use comparative vocabulary such as closest, nearer, furthest and further to describe what they could see.
They also wanted to…
Category: Ducklings
measure maths outdoor learning activemaths Counting
Outdoor Learning Assembly
To conclude such a wonderful Outdoor Learning Day, the children in KS2 all came together to share their outdoor learning experiences from the day.
Falcons started by explaining how they completed mathematical equations using natural resources. In the afternoon groups of children worked with Mrs…
Category: Falcons
doves kestrels maths Eagles hawks poetry outdoor learning English History activemaths SPaG falcons owls2019
Pouring and measuring
The Ducklings have been pouring and measuring the baby 'milk.' They have been encouraged to use vocabulary such as full, half full, empty and nearly full or nearly empty.
Category: Ducklings
capacity Physical development activemaths
Falcons' Active Maths
This week in Maths the children in Falcons were learning to read and write numbers to 10 000 000. They all did super well and combined this skills with being active too.
Category: Falcons
Exploring capacity
Outside in the garden the Ducklings have been exploring filling different sized containers and pots with compost and finding out which hold the most or the least. They have also been trying to estimate before actually counting and measuring.
Category: Ducklings
maths outdoor learning capacity activemaths
Half full or half empty?
The Ducklings have been exploring different capacity descriptions such as full, empty, half full, nearly empty and nearly full.
Category: Ducklings
Investigating Distance travelled
The Ducklings have been investigating sending vehicles down ramps to see which vehicle can travel the furthest distance. They then came up with the idea of checking by measuring. They were able to describe what effect changing the steepness of the ramps made or the type of vehicle that they used.
Category: Ducklings