The Big Schools' and Garden Bird Watch
First of all, Theo created lots of different bird feeders to attract the birds to his garden and then over the weekend he set up the family's 'gopro' and has sent in the video below...
Category: Ducklings
Bird Watching
Matthew found a great spot to sit and watch the birds in his back garden!
Category: Ducklings
Express Yourself
Josh has enjoyed creating some art work to express how different parts of his body are feeling. In our live assembly time at the end of the day, the children shared and talked about their work together.
Category: Ducklings
class assembly PSED World Mental Health Awareness Day
Express yourself
As part of Children's Mental Health Week the Ducklings have been listening to a piece of classical music - The Four Seasons by Vivaldi and have produced artwork to show how the music has made them feel.
Category: Ducklings
art music World Mental Health Awareness Day
The ee digraph
The Ducklings have been putting their new phoneme into practise by writing some super 'ee' sentences.
Category: Ducklings
Money Maths
The Ducklings have been exploring making different amounts using 1p coins this week.
Category: Ducklings
Bird Spotting
1 woodpecker
1 heron
1 moor hen
3 finch
6 magpie
6 crow
Faye and her big sister and Grandad have been spotting lots of different birds on their walk at the weekend.
7 blackbirds
6 ducks
18 swans
18 seagulls
6 robins
3 pigeons
3 wood…
Category: Ducklings
Things beginning with 'h'
Super home learning! Look at all these things that begin with 'h'.
Honey Hoops
the capital letter 'H'
Super learning, well done!
Category: Little Chicks
Night and Day and cutting skills
This week we are learning about night and Day.
Why does it go dark at night? Why do we see the moon at night? Apart from answering these questions we are also going to cut out pictures and sort them into things we do during the day and things we do at night.
We will also be finding out…
Category: Little Chicks
We have been showing what prepositions we understand by drawing an egg in a given position. We had to draw a red egg behind the cow, a blue egg under the tree, a yellow egg near the sheep, a purple egg on top of the barn, a pink egg next to the fence and a green egg close to the pig.
You can…
Category: Little Chicks
Home Learning 1.2.21
Hi everyone,
I have put this weeks home learning on the blog as I am having problems loading it on the Home Learning page.
Sorry for the delay.
1st February 2021
We saw some super pictures of aliens and patterns on pants last week!
This week we are going to be looking at…
Category: Little Chicks
Night and Day
Little Chicks learning this week is Night and Day. Little Chicks brain stormed the differences in what we do at night and in the day.
Outdoors we set up a campsite with tents and torches. The Little Chicks explored the new environment.
Little Chicks suggested we made a fire and…
Category: Little Chicks