Photo Galleries
The Ducklings were learning to throw beanbags, balls and shuttlecocks. They were practising their over and underarm throws.
Cosmic yoga Three Little Pigs
Little Chicks followed the story of the Three Little Pigs they joined in yoga positions with Lisa. Lisa showed the children downward dog, table, chair and bowl positions.
Chinese Dragon workshop
Little Chicks celebrated Chinese New Year, Amy showed them how to use the fans and parasols to make a dance. They met Dave the dragon and learnt a dragon dance.
Chinese Dragon Dance Workshop 2023
The Ducklings thoroughly enjoyed their Chinese Dragon Dancing workshop on Friday. They were so confident in performing to the rest of the school. Some children performed the dragon dance, others performed a dance with traditional Chinese fans or parasols to the audience. Amy, the dance teacher, commented on the exemplary behaviour of all of the pupils both the dancers and the rest of the school in the audience watching.
Open Afternoon 2023
This week, we welcomed our families into class to celebrate Chinese New Year with us. We made dragons and lanterns, role played in our Chinese new year home corner, shared stories and performed some dragon dances and lots more! Thank you for coming!