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Baking Gingerbread People
The Ducklings loved baking gingerbread people, following a recipe and using lots of different tools and equipment safely. They were delicious and they enjoyed eating them whist listening to The Gingerbread Man story during snacktime.
Little Chicks making gingerbread biscuits
As part of Little Chicks learning on traditional stories they made Gingerbread people.
PE Little Chicks ball skills
Little Chicks began with warm up exercises. Stretching their body. Miss Taylor and Mrs Dale demonstrated to the Little Chicks how to guide the ball around the cones. Run back to their team and the next Chick takes their turn, first team to complete the group is the winner. Cool down exercises. Little Chicks learnt to turn take, use a ball with skill and follow instructions. Well done Little Chicks.
Different types of roll in P.E
This week in P.E was the start of our Fundamental Skills sessions with Kieran from Fleetwood Town. The children have learned and practised how to confidently do a teddy roll, an egg roll, a pencil roll, a barrel roll and a rock and roll. We were so impressed with how hard the children tried to improve their rolls throughout the session. A super start!
PE Little Chicks ball skills.
Little Chicks began with warm up exercises. Creating circles, pivoting from elbow and shoulder. Little Chicks pass the ball to their partner. Team ball game red team and a yellow team, pass the ball under and through to your team mate first to the end wins. Little Chicks were competative and enjoyed the game. Cool down.
Little Chicks a Winter Scene
Little Chicks used a variety of materials to make a college of a Winter Scene.
Old toys
We have been lucky to be able to borrow a box of old toys from a museum. We were able to handle them and try them out. We compared them to the toys that we have today. Some of us were experts!!
Christmas party 2022
We had great fun on the last day of term, playing lots of different party games during our Christmas party. There are some amazing dancers in the Ducklings!
A cold snap!
Well the cold weather wasn't enjoyed by some but the Ducklings loved it! What better way to explore the world around them and the changing seasons! We learned lots about freezing and melting and how we need to dress appropriately for the different types of weather.
The Sleepy Shepherd
Here are some photographs of the cast of 'The Sleepy Shepherd.' They were all fantastic and so confident with their speaking parts and their singing. We were very proud of them. We have found out that being a photographer is not an easy job!!