Image of Christmas Dinner 2022

Christmas Dinner 2022

We loved our delicious Christmas lunch. A big thank you to all of our kitchen staff for helping to make it for us and our lunches all year round.

Image of Police Officers visit us

Police Officers visit us

We loved PC Louisa and PC Scott visiting us, to talk about what they do at work each day (or night!) and some of the special equipment that they use. We loved being arrested and having a sit in the patrol car too! Lots of us would like to be police officers when we grow up!

Image of Dental Hygienist visit

Dental Hygienist visit

The Ducklings loved listening to the dental hygienists talk about their important job. They were shown how to look after and brush their teeth and gums carefully for 2 minutes. They also talked about the foods and drinks that are healthy for your teeth.

Image of Nativity


Nativity 2022 - Parrots

Image of Little Chicks Christmas Party

Little Chicks Christmas Party

Little Chicks had an enjoyable Christmas Party, pass Charlie Chick and win a prize when the music stops. Musical newspaper when the music stops stand on the newspaper. The paper gets smaller and whom is left is the winner. Musical bumps. Music stops sit upon bottom. Party biscuit and juice.

Image of Police visit PC Louisa and PC Scott

Police visit PC Louisa and PC Scott

Little Chicks and Ducklings have a visit from the PC Louisa and PC Scott. They have their own unique number on their shoulder jacket. They have their own radio with a GPS on to operate and press the orange button in need of an alert.

Image of PE


Image of PE


Little Chicks have been learning to balance and jump of apparatus using the correct movement. Little Chicks began with a warm up. Little Chicks moved along the bench arms out stretched and jumped down using two feet and bending their knees. Little Chicks had a cool down, slowing their heart rate and stretching their muscles.