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PE Little Chicks
Little Chicks will have PE on a Tuesday and a Thursday morning. They have been learning the rules for the PE lesson. 1. Not to touch apparatus around the hall. 2. To find a space not to be able to touch their friends. 3. To stop and stand still on the word Stop. Little Chicks played a game running in a clockwise direction and when hearing the word Stop they stand still. Throughout the term we will practise different skills and learn to warm our bodies up and down before exercise. Little Chicks can wear trainers on the PE days.
P.E 23/9/22
This week, we got changed into our P.E. kits, with help, from our teachers. Each week we hope to get better and faster at doing this. Keep practising getting yourself dressed and undressed at home, whenever you have the opportunity to. We explored moving in lots of different ways, using all of the available space in the hall and being mindful not to bump into anyone else!
Robin's PE
This week the Robins have been practising their fundamental skills. We have Fleetwood Town in every Wednesday afternoon and thoroughly enjoy it.