Image of PE and fundamental skills

PE and fundamental skills

We continue to enjoy practising and refining our fundamental skills in PE each week. This week we had great fun climbing, balancing, jumping, crawling and rolling.

Image of Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt

Yellow Ducklings had a great afternoon on our Easter egg hunt. We managed to find them all and complete some challenges and foreits along the way too!

Image of Spring has sprung!

Spring has sprung!

The Ducklings have been on a welly walk to look for signs that spring has sprung! They were able to spot spring flowers starting to bloom, buds developing on branches and even a few tiny minibeasts!

Image of Ducklings Open Afternoon

Ducklings Open Afternoon

The Ducklings enjoyed sharing the afternoon with their families during our recent Easter and Spring themed open afternoon. The children loved sharing their learning with you. Thank you for coming!

Image of Outdoor Playground Little Chicks

Outdoor Playground Little Chicks

Little Chicks have been going from strength to strength with their gross motor coordination they have shown agiltiy and skill using the apparatus. The consistent repetition using the equipment is supporting their learning.

Image of Our Number Bond Party

Our Number Bond Party

Today, it was World Maths Day. We decided to have a number bond party to celebrate! Number bonds are pairs of numbers that make a particular total. We had fun playing lots of games that make 10! We had to find a partner with a numbered party hat that would match with our own to make 10. We rolled dice and then had to think what number would go with it to make 10. We tossed ten double sided counters into the air and told our talking partners the number sentence that they made when they landed. To finish off, we enjoyed having raisins for snack, 10 of them, but we had to say a number sentence first!

Image of Holi Celebrations

Holi Celebrations

This week the Ducklings have been learning about the Spring Hindu festival of Holi. It is celebrated with a colourful, messy surprise, throwing colourful paint at each other!! The Ducklings have been exploring spraying coloured paints outside and making colourful handprints. Inside they have enjoyed watching some Holi themed Indian dancing and have even had a go at dancing themselves too!

Image of New Physical Development Area

New Physical Development Area

Our new physical development play area was opened last week by Mr Cadwallader. The children were very excited and have loved exploring it so far this week.