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3D Mini Beasts
Little Chicks have been given a variety of resources to make 3D mini beasts. They looked at a mini beasts idetification sheet, chose one they would like to make and chose different materials to put together. We used the Ipad to research the chosen mini beasts and what they looked like to best construct a likeness.
Rocking and Rolling in PE
The Ducklings loved learning new ways to roll in PE last week and some of them were quite tricky to do and took a bit of practising! They learnt how to do a pencil roll, forward roll, table roll, barrel roll and a teddy bear roll. Well done!
Our visit to the garden centre
We had a lovely morning out at the garden centre. We completed a fun quiz, made some wild flower bee bombs to bring home, scattered some seeds to make a meadow and explored all of the different kinds of plants that you can buy for your garden. The children's behaviour was outstanding! Well done. A big thank you to The Plant place for having us.
Trip to the Plant Centre
Little Chicks and Ducklings visited The Plant Place. They engaged in sowing seeds, Craig the gardener showed the Little Chicks the varied plants in the centre and taught they names and how their grew, particularly in different environments and temperatures. Little Chicks then went around the centre completing a quiz where they followed the clues to find a letter, then sorted the letters to name a type of flower. Thankyou to volunteers who supported the children.
Growing Green Beans
Planting French Beans. 5.5 22 Little chicks have planted French beans we are discovering what plants need to grow. We have five different pots with seeds and varied components. 1. Seeds, soil, but no water. 2. Seeds, soil, water, placed in the dark. 3. Seeds, soil, water, placed in the dark and cold (fridge) 4. Seeds, soil, water, placed in classroom. 5. Seeds, water, but no soil. Little Chicks will observe what happens to each pot over the next two weeks.
Measuring using different objects.
Little Chicks have been measuring different objects using varied resources.