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Our First Week at School 2022
We are really proud of all of our new Ducklings and how they come into school each day and settled so well. They are becoming more familiar with all of the different areas of the classroom to play and learn in, the daily routines and are starting to make new friends. Well done everyone!
Our School Lunches
The Ducklings are enjoying their new yummy school lunches. They can choose from a choice of three different meal options each day and will soon become familiar with the menu and get to know what they like and don't like. The children have been great at carrying their lunch trays, using their speaking skills to ask for their choice of dessert and to say please and thank you and clearing away their trays when they have finished.
Stunning Starter
KS1 Stunning Starter. On Friday we played a variety of different Victorian games, such as; pass the slipper, roll the hoop, follow the leader, snakes and ladders, skipping and many more. The children thoroughly enjoyed it! It is to start our topic of Florence Nightingale, in which we will be looking at her life, her impact on nursing and how she is celebrated today.
Fleetwood Town PE
Little Chicks this term will have a weekly session with Fleetwood Town this week their coach was Kirean. He introduced a game called What time is it Mr Wolf. Little Chicks had to kick the ball the number the wolf stated, trying to get to other side of the cones before he said dinner time. Kirean adapted the game and introduced treasure and a giant, Litte Chicks had to kick the ball when the giant was sleeping, to get the giant to sleep they had to sing a lullaby, when he was sleeping they kicked the ball and collected the treasure when they got passed the giant. When he awoke Little Chicks had to go into the aeroplane postion which meant they were invisible. Little Chicks took tirns to be the giant.
Outdoor Learning
Little Chicks have been learning about growing plants, tending to the garden, watching vegetables grow, daily collecting food for the compost and watching the changes in the wildlilfe throughout the terms. Mrs Hicks has diligenlty tended to the garden with the children engaging in outdoor learning to produce food and nuture the plants. Carleton Green Community Primary School has been awarded the Eco Green Flag with a distinction. This week the Little Chicks picked peas. We have a resident hedghog at Carleton Green we ask that he is not disturbed in his habitiat as they are timid creatures and do not require a lot of interaction.
Summer Fair
Summer Fair was enjoyed by all, Little Chicks had a turn at kick the football into the goal, throw the welly, bouncy castle, hook a duck, lucky dip and a look at the Police van.
Fleetwood Town PE
Little Chicks this term will have a weekly session with Fleetwood Town this week their coach was Kirean. He introduced a game called cars. Little Chicks began with the aeroplane position using their foot to keep the ball still in stationary position. Then Kirean introduced the penguin move which encourges them to walk like a penguin to control the ball. Last their was the tap toe where they had to stop the ball and alternate their feet to tap on the ball. Kirean then put these moves into practise through the car game. Little Chicks had to drive their car around watching the traffic lights. Red = Stop Amber = Slow down Green = GO Kirean used cones to represent: Orange = Car wash Blue = Petrol station White = Jail When on green the Little Chicks could visit the car wash and do the penguin move around the orange cones or the petrol station and while filling up for petrol they did the tap toe for the count of ten. Of course if they continued driving when light turned red, Miss Taylor (Police Officer) would send them to jail. AGH!