Image of Self portrait Little Chicks

Self portrait Little Chicks

Little Chicks have been looking at their emotions and feelings each day we have read a different story and then discussed the way we feel with different emotions. Little Chicks painted a self portrait and expressed their feelings.

Image of ICT Little Chicks

ICT Little Chicks

Little Chicks operated the Easi-cars, they had to turn on the switch and then negotiate the road using the forward and reverse arrow keys. They were supported with verbal prompts to manoeuvre the car around the track.

Image of Parrots Fun

Parrots Fun

Lots of photos of all that Parrots have been getting up to.

Image of Chinese New Year Dancing

Chinese New Year Dancing

Little Chicks have been learning about Chinese New Year. They watched Dragon dance and we then had a turn at role playing a Dragon and a Lion dancing.