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Looking smart in our PE kits
The Ducklings were very good at getting changed for the first time into their full PE kits. They look very smart in their house team colours. They explored moving safely in different ways such as hopping and jumping.
Growing up
This week the Little Chicks are learning about growing up, we start off as a baby. They were given flash cards to put in age order. Baby, Toddler, Child, Teenager, Adult, Elderly
Den building fun
As part of our learning about ourselves and our homes, the Ducklings have loved den building together outside. They worked as part of a team together to build their dens.
Our first PE lesson in Ducklings
On Friday we changed into our pumps and went into the hall for our very first PE lesson. We learnt about the importance of listening to instructions and finding a suitable space to stand in. We listened to our teacher's instructions carefully for how to move and when to stop.