The Faraway Tree

Image of The Faraway Tree

This week we took the idea of The Faraway Tree as a theme for our writing.  We created our own adventure stories using this story as a model and finished off the week by dressing up in character.

Category: Robins

Robins Year 2 Robins 2015 writing


The Door

What an exciting start to our final week of term. After such a hive of activity of different doors being decorated around our school last week, the children have had the opportunity to begin to write about a door of their choosing. The Door poem, by the poet Miroslav Holub, was such an…

Category: Falcons

Robins owls year3 Year 2 doves kestrels year4 Eagles Design and Technology ks1 writing herons hawks year 1


Year 6 Diary Entry about Beowulf

The children in Year 6 have been learning all about Beowulf. Today they created a fantastic diary entry and these are just a few of the volunteers who read it out to the rest of the class.


Category: Falcons

writing Anglo-Saxons


Practising our cursive handwriting

Image of Practising our cursive handwriting

We have been practising our letters with the flicks leading out, ready to join them up in our writing.

Category: Ducklings



Our Learning...

We have been extremely busy in Herons.
Over the last two weeks we have been learning all about non-fiction books!
The Herons were reading detectives to identify what special features information books include and they have also been learning to write facts, in order to teach the…

Category: Herons

year1 year2 nonfiction seasons writing