Owls Gymnastics Sequences
During the last few weeks in gymnastics we have been learning different rolls and balances. We have learnt the following rolls; pencil, teddy bear, egg and rock to stand. When performing the teddy bear roll our legs should be straight and we go from the straddle position, reach down and hold legs…
Category: Owls
Sorting Toys
We have been finding out about the different materials that toys are made from and why. Some of us have sorted the toys according to what they are made from.
Category: Ducklings
Reading silly captions
The Ducklings have been using their phonic knowledge to read silly captions independently! We can check their understanding by looking at what they have drawn to go with the caption!
Category: Ducklings
Making words
The Ducklings are becoming confident with segmenting words into their different sounds. They can then use this to help them spell!
Category: Ducklings
Retelling stories
The children have enjoyed using props to act out and retell the story of 'Kipper's Toybox.'
Category: Ducklings
Making story telling props
The boys got creative and made a 'Sock Thing' to use in retelling the 'Kipper's Toybox' story.
Category: Ducklings
An interview with Mr. Boyd
How long have you been in this school for?
2 years.
Where were you born?
Northen Ireland.
How long have you been a teacher for?
11 years
Interviewing Mr Jones
Mr Jones 
What's you favourite type of lesson? What's your favourite sport?
Maths Cricket
What's your favourite classroom? What's your favourite day in a week?
Eagles …
Interview with Mrs Prescot
Today we interviewed Mrs Prescot to ask about being a teacher.
How long have you been a teacher?
She has been a teacher for 10 years.
Then we asked her what inspired you to be a teacher?
She said she got inspired be her lovely teacher.
We asked her what was your favourite…
An interview with Mr.Cox
How long have you been a teacher for?
A few years.
Where were you born?
Blackpool,is where I was born
What are your hobbies?
Cycling and playing in a band!
How long have you been in the band for?
4/5 years!!
Environment Club make Jewellery out of Elder Wood.
The children in the Environment Club made jewellery out of discarded Elder tree wood. They used tools very carefully, under the guidance of Dan, to create some excellent designs. Well done!!
Category: Falcons
Subtraction with skittles
We have been exploring saying subtraction stories using skittles. It has also helped with practising our kicking and aiming skills.
Category: Ducklings