During the last few weeks in gymnastics we have been learning different rolls and balances. We have learnt the following rolls; pencil, teddy bear, egg and rock to stand. When performing the teddy bear roll our legs should be straight and we go from the straddle position, reach down and hold legs and go across our shoulders, back to straddle. In the pencil roll our legs should be straight and together and our body should be tight. When we rock on our back to standing up we need to curl up tight, tuck our chin and rock from our bottom to our shoulders and stand without using our hands.We have learnt how to balance on 1, 2, 3 and 4 body parts. When we balance we know we must stand for at least 3 seconds, the leg we are balancing should be straight, chin up looking ahead and we use our arms to balance. We have performed high and low balances.

Once we had learnt and developed our skills we worked with a partner to create a sequence which involved a starting and ending position (which we had to hold for at least 4 seconds) and to involve different travels. Out sequence had to include at least 2 different rolls and balances.

Next we are going to evaluate what we have created and then put our routine together with another pair and to include different jumps and shapes.

Take a look at our video to see our sequences so far. What rolls can you see in our sequences? What balances can you see? Which sequence is your favourite?


Posted by Mr Boyd on 27 January 2016

Category: Owls

Tags: owls year3 year4 P.E. KS2 PE


Emily's mum   10 February 2016

What lovely routines! Looks like you all enjoyed making up your sequences.

Ben and Thomas   15 February 2016

It was great FUN!

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