Able, Gifted and Talented Writing Group

We have had yet another wonderful writing workshop with the very talented author Dan Worsley. Today our small group of writers had the opportunity to edit and improve an unpublished section of Dan's writing. This involved the description of a mean bully within a school playground. The children…

Category: Doves



*Doves' Writing Workshop with the Wonderful Author: Dan Worsley.

Doves have had a fantastic time listening to the story Blown Away, written by author Dan Worsley. They thought it story was hilarious. Throughout the workshop the children had the opportunity to plan an alternative ending to the story. All the children wrote an amazing plan and have already begun…

Category: Doves

writing LKS2


Doves' Field trip to Poulton Town Centre

As part of the children's topic There's No Place Like Home in Geography, the children walked in to Poulton Town Centre for their fieldtrip. While we were walking in to Poulton, the children observed their surroundings and completed a table about which human and physical features they could see.…

Category: Doves

History geography


LED Light's Talk

Today the children in Doves had a visitor in class.Mr Timperley (Charlie's Grandad) from SDL Lighting came in to school and talked about the LED lights he works with. The children were all fascinated by all the information he gave them and they asked some fantastic questions. Mr Timperley has…

Category: Doves

doves science


Doves find out about their partner's unique talents

The children in Doves have been asking their partner all about their unique talents. We have celebrated these and shared them with the rest of the class.



Category: Doves


Doves Show and Tell

Today during Show and Tell, Evie brought some Roald Dahl books to share with children. 


Category: Doves

doves reading


"Doves research facts about Roald Dahl"

All this week the children have been researching facts about Roald Dahl so that they can create their own fact file about this world famous author. We celebrated Roald Dahl Day yesterday by finding even more facts about this amazing man. We have already made a great start in revising the features…

Category: Doves

doves writing


Doves Democracy - Student Council

This week all the children in Doves took part in voting for who they wanted to be our Student Council representatives. We are very pleased to announce that Gracie Sykes and Samuel Wilmot will be our student council representatives. Well done to you guys.



Category: Doves

doves democracy


Doves Did Us Proud in the Whole Class Assembly

To end a very successful first, full week back to start this new academic year, Doves' Class performed in our end of week, whole school assembly. They sang a song, which celebrated our school, to the tune of the world famous Eidelweiss. The children worked hard to learn the lyrics and all sang…

Category: Doves



Year 3/4 Roman Day

During our Roman Day on Friday 21st April, the children across all three classes took part in a carousel of activities. There was Roman Road building with Mr Cooper, Mosaic making with Miss Howarth and Roman Shield (or Scutum as it was known in Roman times) designing with Mrs Harding.  Here are…

Category: Doves

owls doves kestrels History


*Doves Outdoor Orienteering Activity

This week the Doves have thoroughly enjoyed their Outdoor Orienteering Activity where they created a path out of natural objects.


Category: Doves



*Doves' Class Measuring Lengths During Maths

This week in Maths, the children have been measuring objects in and around school. Once they accurately measured the objects, they then converted their measurements from metres to centimetres and from centimetres to metres. Check to see if your child can remember the calculation they need to do to…

Category: Doves
