Dragons Den
Scooter Day!
To continue our learning all about a healthy lifestyle, Doves class turned into business people this week to plan and design their own scooter.
Once they had chosen their new business name, the Doves researched scooters already for sale and then discussed what they needed to…
Category: Doves
Rethink Your Drink!!
Healthy Living Week
This week the Doves have been busy using their problem solving, measuring and calculation skills to investigate how much sugar is in some of their favourite drinks. The outcome left us feeling very shocked!
First the children had to carefully read…
Category: Doves
healthyliving sugar drink measure maths
Future politicians...
To celebrate the General Election, we have been busy thinking about 'making promises'.
In Doves, the children have been thinking about what they would do if they were the Prime Minister.
We have been talking about the importantance of keeping promises and the important job the Prime…
Category: Doves
year4 primeminister election promise
Musical Topic...
In Doves class we have been using our musical talents to write a rap all about The Celts.
As our 'Celtic Britain' topic work comes to an end, the children used all the knowledge they have learned to write their very own rap song!
We have learnt lots of information about Celtic…
Category: Doves
Welcome back!
A very warm welcome back to all of the Doves, I hope you all had a fabulous Easter!
Miss Clarkson
Category: Doves
A visit from the dental nurses...
Not only was it red nose day on friday, the children in doves also received a very special visit from the dental nurses!
As part of our new science topic, teeth and digestion the children were very lucky to have two dental nurses, come into our class to discuss keeping our teeth healthy.
Category: Doves
World Book Day!
To celebrate World Book Day in Doves class, we spent some quality time reading some of our favourite stories. Horrid Henry and Roald Dahl were a popular favourite!
Category: Doves
Exploring the life of the Celts...
As part of our Celtic Britain topic work in Doves class, we have been exploring the life of the Celtic community.
Within our research we have been learning all about the different jobs the Celts had, over two thousand years ago!
One role in particular that we have really enjoyed learning…
Category: Doves
celts celticbritain ironage doves
Doves Class Assembly
A Journey Back In Time...
On the 3rd February 2015, it was Doves turn to take to the stage. It was time for our class assembly.
We were asked to showcase to parents, pupils and teachers what we have been learning about in our lessons. As a team we put together a short piece to…
Category: Doves