Exploring the life of the Celts...

As part of our Celtic Britain topic work in Doves class, we have been exploring the life of the Celtic community. 

Within our research we have been learning all about the different jobs the Celts had, over two thousand years ago!

One role in particular that we have really enjoyed learning…

Category: Doves

celts celticbritain ironage doves


Life before the Celts...

What was life like before the Celts?

Who are the Celts?

How did people live, thousands of years ago?

In the Owls, Doves and Kestrels classes we have been answering these questions with research, reading and discussion. 

We have so far looked at life during the Stone, Bronze and Iron…

Category: Owls

owls year3 celts celticbritain timeline ironage doves kestrels